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Telepathy is a psychic skill often employed by characters in giant monster media. Telepathy involves one individual speaking or communicating with another individual through only the use of their mind.

Known users

Godzilla series

Gamera series

  • Virians - Several examples of the technology utilised by the Virians revolve around telepathy, and can be found on their spacecraft. These include the Brainwave Decryption Device, which can be used to transmit instructions directly into the mind of a specified target, and a special item delivery system which will present the user with whatever they request, so long as it cannot be used to inflict harm on the spacecraft or its crew.
  • Gamera - In the Heisei Gamera trilogy, Gamera shares a telepathic connection with a person who bears an Atlantean magatama, who would effectively act as a priest or priestess for him capable of reading his thoughts; one such person was a girl named Asagi Kusenagi. In GAMERA -Rebirth-, Gamera is capable of "contacting" a person and choosing them to share a psychic link; one such chosen person was a boy named Boco.
  • Asagi Kusanagi - After receiving an Atlantean magatama as a gift, Asagi gained a psychic link with Gamera. She was able to read his thoughts and communicate with him, but also received his pain, injuries, and state of being (such as resting when he rested). However, Gamera could heal her wounds. Their connection was ultimately severed when Gamera was revitalized following his battle with the Legion in Sendai.
  • Iris - Through similar, but more sinister means than Gamera, Iris is able to form a telepathic bond with a person. Notably, he formed a bond with a girl named Ayana Hirasaka.
  • Ayana Hirasaka - After discovering a magatama in an abandoned shrine, Ayana formed a psychic bond with Iris. This bond was strong enough to alter her brain morphology.
  • Boco - Following "contact" with Gamera, Boco developed a telepathic link with the kaiju. This allowed him to innately know Gamera's name, hear Gamera's thoughts, see his memories, and share his pain. Boco, along with his friends who had encountered Gamera, was also able to sense other kaiju present.


  • Ohmu - The Ohmu can telepathically communicate with each other.

See also


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