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The Colossus of Atlantis
Alternate names Colossus Monster[1]
Species Atlantean robot
Place(s) of emergence Atlantis
Controlled by Atlanteans (formerly)
Relations Atlanteans (creators)
First appearance Godzilla episode 7,
"The Colossus of Atlantis"
To be added.

Colossus (巨人怪獣,   Kyojin Kaijū, lit. "Colossus Monster") is a giant Atlantean robot that appeared in episode 7 of Hanna-Barbera's 1978 Godzilla series, "The Colossus of Atlantis."



"The Colossus of Atlantis"

Created by the Atlanteans, Colossus was put in charge of awakening the people of the city, who went into suspended animation to escape a great earthquake. However, during the huge earthquake that sank the city, the robot was damaged and thus turned evil, keeping its own makers in suspended animation. The city rose from the depths in modern times and the monster-like robot awoke. Soon the Calico was drawn into the city by a tractor beam and called Godzilla for help, though he was also dragged into the city, allowing the Calico to be destroyed in the city's interior. Looking around, the crew soon found Colossus wandering the streets in search of life to destroy. Knowing they'd need him, they began to search for Godzilla.

When Colossus blasted a building with its beams, Godzilla was revealed to also be in suspended animation. However, Godzooky tricked the robot into firing at Godzilla. The blasts awoke him and Godzilla started fighting Colossus. Godzilla ripped both of its arms off, but many more simply replaced it. Knowing his foe was mechanical, Godzilla carried Colossus to the sea. In a single throw, the machine was sent into the deep and short-circuited by the water. The destruction of Colossus woke not just the Atlanteans, but also Quinn and Brock, who were also trapped in suspended animation. The Atlanteans sent the Calico crew back in time before their ship was destroyed and then retreated into the void of space where they had originally come from.


Energy blasts

Colossus can fire powerful blasts of green energy from its eyes.

Physical capabilities

Colossus can extend several arms, all ending in pincers, from each side of its body. Colossus can increase its size by extending its upper-body from its lower-body. It can then shrink back down to size if it needs to.


Colossus will be destroyed if exposed to water.


This is a list of references for Colossus. These citations are used to identify the reliable sources on which this article is based. These references appear inside articles in the form of superscript numbers, which look like this: [1]

  1. Godzilla 1954-1999 Super Complete Works. Shogakukan. 1 January 2000. p. 205. ISBN 978-4091014702.


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