Giant Venus Flytrap

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Giant Venus Flytrap
The Giant Venus Flytrap in Godzilla
Species Mutated Venus flytrap
Place(s) of emergence Kilimanjaro, Tanzania
First appearance Godzilla episode 20:
"Valley of the Giants"
To be added.

The Giant Venus Flytrap is a plant monster created by Hanna-Barbera that appeared in episode 20 of the 1979 animated series, Godzilla, titled "Valley of the Giants."


The Giant Venus Flytrap is a large Venus flytrap with a singular stem tipped in two orange leaves which form its mouth, each one bordered with giant curving spikes to trap prey. The stem itself is dark green and broadens near the top. The inside of its jaws are dark brown and lumpy.



"Valley of the Giants"

Brock and Godzooky ventured down a stream to find an exit to the Valley of the Giants, but only found a spring. The Giant Venus Flytrap bend behind Brock and snapped him up in its jaws before slowly trying to crush him while Godzooky was infatuated with the water. Fortunately, Godzooky noticed his friend's predicament and pried the Giant Venus Flytrap's jaws open, only for it to snap them shut immediately. Godzooky opened them again and Brock slid out before he allowed the plant to close its jaws.



The Giant Venus Flytrap snuck up behind Brock and Godzooky and snatched the former away without the latter noticing.


The Giant Venus Flytrap has two spiky jaws which it used to abduct and attempt to eat Brock.


The Giant Venus Flytrap had its jaws easily pried apart by Godzooky.


The Giant Venus Flytrap is one of the few monsters in Godzilla to not encounter Godzilla.


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