Black Mechagodzilla
Black Mechagodzilla (ブラックメカゴジラ is a Burakku Mekagojira)mecha created by Toho that appeared in the 1997 Godzilla television series Godzilla Island.
Black Mechagodzilla resembles the original Mechagodzilla from Godzilla vs. Mechagodzilla, but is entirely black in color rather than silver. In addition, Black Mechagodzilla's eyes are white rather than orange.
- Godzilla Island (TV 1997-1998) [episodes 96-103]
Godzilla Island
After being fired from her position, the Xilien agent Zagreth developed a final plan involving Black Mechagodzilla, a machine built using data from Godzilla and Mechagodzilla, but that was decommissioned due to it being found to be defective. Flying down to Godzilla Island in the old machine, Zagreth confronted the island's monsters before challenging G-Guard's own Mechagodzilla to a one-on-one duel. As they counted down from five, Zagreth cheated during the duel by turning around at the last second and firing Black Mechagodzilla's Space Beams and mouth laser point blank at G-Guard's Mechagodzilla, sending it to the ground. Unfortunately for her, Black Mechagodzilla began to malfunction, with its Finger Missiles refusing to activate, prompting the other monsters to attack it.
Zagreth was taken prisoner at the G-Guard Base, but a mysterious beeping noise within Black Mechagodzilla prompted Beisuke Jinguji and his alien sidekick Torema to abandon Zagreth to investigate. Torema entered Black Mechagodzilla and discovered that a bomb was the source of the beeping. Though the device proved to be a dud, the damage had been done: Zagreth not only escaped, but managed to steal another of G-Guard's robots, Proto-Moguera, while they were distracted. Zagreth ruthlessly attacked the other monsters and the base using Proto-Moguera, but Torema managed to fix Black Mechagodzilla and piloted it into battle. Black Mechagodzilla and Godzilla teamed up against Proto-Moguera, eventually immobilizing it and driving Zagreth back into space.
The powers of Black Mechagodzilla are much like those of the silver Mechagodzilla. It can also emit a yellow laser beam from its mouth, similar to Mechagodzilla's Fake Godzilla disguise in Godzilla vs. Mechagodzilla. Black Mechagodzilla used its Space Beams and mouth laser to floor G-Guard's Mechagodzilla. When Torema piloted the mech, she fired its Space Beams, mouth laser, and Finger Missiles at Proto-Moguera.
Just like the Mechagodzilla from the Showa era, Black Mechagodzilla possesses the ability to fly. It first used its flight in space, after being launched from the Vabaruda, in order to travel down to Godzilla Island. After Torema took control of the mech, she flew to intercept Proto-Moguera's attack on Godzilla.
Black Mechagodzilla was found to be defective, and sold at a reduced price because of this. Just before it could finish off G-Guard's Mechagodzilla with its Finger Missiles, it stopped receiving Zagreth's commands, leaving it helpless against the monsters of Godzilla Island.
Black Mechagodzilla primarily reuses roars from the Showa Mechagodzilla.
- Main article: Black Mechagodzilla/Gallery.
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