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Zagreth in Godzilla Island
Species Xilien
Gender Female
Allies Giant Dark Emperor, Dogora (formerly), Space Hunter M (formerly)
Played by Kaori Aizawa
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I've told you before... I am a rose! I may have thorns, but to bloom beautifully is my right. But you're just a weed. Don't complain if you get stomped flat!

— Zagreth taunting Torema (Godzilla Island episode 8)

Zagreth (ザグレス,   Zaguresu) is an Xilien character who appears in the 1997 television series Godzilla Island.


Heisei era

Godzilla Island

Zagreth was an Xilien sent to destroy Godzilla Island and the monsters in preparation for an invasion. However, she was chased away from the island by Torema after the Giant Dark Emperor fired her twice, but returned in the series' climax for the final battle.




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