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Kashirin in The Return of Godzilla
Species Human
Nationality Russian
Occupation Captain of the Balashevo
First appearance The Return of Godzilla
Played by Luke Johnston

Colonel Kashirin (カシリン,   Kashirin) is a Soviet political operative and captain of the warship Balashevo in the 1984 Toho Godzilla film The Return of Godzilla.


Heisei era

The Return of Godzilla

The Soviet Union doubted Japan's plan to defeat Godzilla with the Super X, and sent the Balashevo, a control ship disguised as a freighter, to Tokyo with orders to launch a nuclear missile from one of the USSR's satellites if Godzilla returned. Colonel Kashirin, the ship's captain, begrudgingly disarmed the weapons system after the Soviet and Japanese governments reached an agreement.

When Godzilla submerged in Tokyo Bay, damaging the Balashevo, the weapons systems malfunctioned and began automatically counting down to fire a nuclear weapon at Tokyo. Kashirin, injured from being thrown into a wall during the wave, bravely forced his way through a damaged doorway to try and stop the countdown, but was killed by a small explosion before he could stop it.

Godzilla 1985

In the American version of The Return of Godzilla, Kashirin deliberately launched the missile. The Balashevo wasn't hit with a wave, and thus he survived, though his fate is left ambiguous. In this version, Kashirin's actions indirectly lead to the revival of Godzilla through the nuclear storm formed when the missile was intercepted by an American nuke.


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