Hideichi Nagahara

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Hideichi Nagahara
Hideichi Nagahara in 1984
Born August 7, 1940
Died November 14, 2001
Occupation Screenwriter
First work A Colt is My Passport (1967)
Notable work The Return of Godzilla (1984)
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Hideichi Nagahara (永原 秀一,   Nagahara Hideichi), also miscredited as Shuichi Nagahara, was a Japanese screenwriter. He co-wrote The War in Space and wrote the screenplay to The Return of Godzilla.

Selected filmography


Unproduced works


  • "Making of Godzilla" Toho Video The Return of Godzilla DVD/Blu-ray special feature (2002)


  1. Credited "Shuichi Nagahara" in the export version.
  2. Credited as "Shuichi Nagahara."


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