Go Miyazaki

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Go Miyazaki
Go Miyazaki in 2023
Born 1992-1993[a]
Occupation Producer
Notable work Chibi Godzilla Raids
(TV 2023)

Go Miyazaki (宮崎 豪,   Miyazaki Gō) is a Japanese producer and a member of TOHO Visual Entertainment's Godzilla Strategic Conference.[1] Graduating from the Kwansei Gakuin University School of Economics in 2015, he later joined Toho, where he was placed in charge of film distribution and advertising.[2] He has notably (co-)produced three Godzilla short films and both seasons of the animated television series Chibi Godzilla Raids Again. He was also responsible for organizing the Godziham-kun 20th Anniversary Project in 2021.[1]

Selected filmography

Planning supervisor



Selected video games

External links


  1. Miyazaki was 28 years old in 2021.[1]
  2. 2.0 2.1 With Akito Takahashi, Tetsuya Yoshikawa, Kazunari Yamanaka, Michiaki Yamasaki, and the Godzilla Strategic Conference.
  3. With Akito Takahashi, Hidehiko Hotta, Tetsuya Yoshikawa, Toshifumi Shimizu, Kazunari Yamanaka, Yusuke Ishiguro, Naoko Saito, Kyohei Tabuchi, Taisuke Katsumi, Mitsuo Sugano, Yosuke Kurihara, Hiroto Mamiya, Ryota Taniyama, and the Godzilla Strategic Conference.
  4. With Akito Takahashi, Tetsuya Yoshikawa, Toshifumi Shimizu, Kazunari Yamanaka, Michiaki Yamasaki, Naoko Saito, Takanari Iwata, Kyohei Tabuchi, Taisuke Katsumi, Mitsuo Sugano, Gai Kato, Yosuke Kurihara, Hiroto Mamiya, Ryota Taniyama, and the Godzilla Strategic Conference.
  5. With Masayo Saito for first season only.
  6. With Kota Ishizuka and Tomonori Koyanagi.
  7. With Tetsuya Yoshikawa and Tatsuya Manago.
  8. With Tetsuya Yoshikawa, Kazunari Yamanaka, Michiaki Yamasaki, Yusuke Ishiguro, Takanari Iwata, Naoko Saito, and Kyohei Tabuchi.
  9. 9.0 9.1 With Taichi Ueda, Tetsuya Yoshikawa, Michiaki Yamasaki, Tatsuya Manago, and Akito Yamamoto.


This is a list of references for Go Miyazaki. These citations are used to identify the reliable sources on which this article is based. These references appear inside articles in the form of superscript numbers, which look like this: [1]

  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 Tako, Wakako (25 May 2021). "ゴジラ×ハム太郎の超絶異色コラボ「ゴジハムくん」 復活の裏にあった"20年の法則"とは?". ORICON NEWS.
  2. "【開催レポート】第7回 KG銀座ビジネス交流会". Kwangaku-alumni.jp. 19 January 2023.


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