Tsuguhiko Kadokawa

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Tsuguhiko Kadokawa
Tsuguhiko Kadokawa
Born September 1, 1943
Tokyo, Japan
Occupation Film producer, businessman
First work Gunhed (1989)
Notable work The End of Evangelion (1997)
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Tsuguhiko Kadokawa (角川 歴彦,   Kadokawa Tsuguhiko) is a Japanese producer and the former chairman of the board of directors at the Kadokawa Corporation.

Selected filmography

Executive producer

Chief executive producer


Selected bibliography




  1. 1.0 1.1 With Masamichi Fujiwara, Shigeru Watanabe, and Hidetoshi Shigematsu.
  2. 2.0 2.1 With Nobuo Ikeguchi, Hiroyuki Yamaga, and Takuma Kuramasu.
  3. With Hiroshi Aramata.
  4. With Masanori Ito, Makoto Yamashina, and Hideo Ichikura.


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