Linto Ueda

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Linto Ueda
Linto Ueda in 2022
Born 1984
Kanagawa, Japan[1]
Occupation Director, cameraman, VFX coordinator, 3D scanning technician
Notable work Shin Godzilla (2016)
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Linto Ueda (上田 倫人,   Ueda Rinto) is a Japanese filmmaker and VFX artist. A frequent collaborator of Hideaki Anno, he has been involved with every entry in the Shin series of films.

Selected filmography


  1. Cinematographer with Katsuro Onoue, Masayuki, Ikki Todoroki, Shinji Higuchi, and Hideaki Anno. Storyboardist with Ikki Todoroki, Shinji Higuchi, Masayuki, Akitoshi Yokoyama, Kazuyoshi Katayama, and Hideaki Anno. Virtual action cameraman with Ikki Todoroki and Masayuki. Monitor images creator with numerous.


This is a list of references for Linto Ueda. These citations are used to identify the reliable sources on which this article is based. These references appear inside articles in the form of superscript numbers, which look like this: [1]

  1. Toho Stella, ed. (13 May 2022). Shin Ultraman (theater program). TOHO Visual Entertainment. p. 32.


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