Minoru Kawasaki

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Minoru Kawasaki
Minoru Kawasaki with Take-Majin toy
Born August 15, 1958
Shibuya, Tokyo, Japan
Occupation Director, writer, producer
First work Espalaser (1983)
Notable work Monster Seafood Wars (2020)
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Minoru Kawasaki (河崎 実,   Kawasaki Minoru), also known as Yuichi Nango (南郷 勇一,   Nangō Yūichi), is a Japanese film director known for his tokusatsu comedy films.

Selected filmography




Executive producer

  • Earth Defense Widow (2014) [with Koji Hoshino, Akihiro Ito, Nobuki Morioka, Hiroki Okuda]
  • Monster Seafood Wars (2020) [with Hiroyuki Fujita, Akinobu Goto, Wataru Suzuki, Takafumi Ohashi, Minoru Iwabuchi]

Director of special effects


Selected bibliography


External links


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