Tadaaki Watanabe

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Tadaaki Watanabe
Tadaaki Watanabe
Born August 9, 1940
Fukushima Prefecture, Japan
Died September 16, 2021 (aged 81)
Occupation Special effects technician,
prop master, suit actor
Notable role(s) Anguirus
First work The Three Treasures (1959)
Notable work Destroy All Monsters (1968)
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Tadaaki Watanabe (渡辺 忠昭,   Watanabe Tadaaki) was a Japanese special effects technician and prop master whose career with Toho spanned six decades, from the 1950s to the 2000s. He was also one of the suit actors for Anguirus in Destroy All Monsters.[1]

Selected filmography

Special effects



Selected bibliography


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