Hiroto Yokokawa

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Hiroto Yokokawa
Hiroto Yokokawa
Born September 19, 1988
Numazu, Shizuoka, Japan
Occupation Director, writer, producer
First work No. 622 (2018)
Notable work The Great Buddha Arrival (2018)
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Hiroto Yokokawa (横川 寛人,   Yokokawa Hiroto) is a Japanese filmmaker and the CEO of independent film studio 3Y Co., Ltd.

Selected filmography


Hedorah Silent Spring, directed by Yokokawa for GEMSTONE's Godzilla contest

External links


  1. Screenwriter with Yuki Yonezawa, Kazuma Yoneyama, and Robert Hood. Cinematographer and editor with Kazuma Yoneyama and Kieron Estrada. Art director with Takuma Asai and Karin Yamada.
  2. Executive producer with Kazuma Yoneyama and Takuma Asai. Art director with Takuma Asai and Karin Yamada.
  3. Screenwriter with Akihiro Ugajin. Planner with Akihiro Ugajin and Yamato Watanabe.


This is a list of references for Hiroto Yokokawa. These citations are used to identify the reliable sources on which this article is based. These references appear inside articles in the form of superscript numbers, which look like this: [1]

  1. @nezura1964 (9 February 2021). "大映は『大群獣ネズラ』以前に本物のタコを用いた『大魔獣ダゴラ』という企画がありました。『#ネズラ1964』では、この「ダゴラ」については割愛しましたが、代わりに同ミニチュアセットで横川監督による短編『ヤツアシ』を撮影しました。現在、鋭意編集中!". Twitter. Archived from the original on 15 July 2022.
  2. Yokokawa, Hiroto (12 November 2020). "株式会社テロワールさんのワークショップ企画で特撮短編映画『#ヤツアシ』を監督させていただくことになりました!復讐にもえる巨大ダコが東京を襲うという内容です。2021年にアマゾンプライムビデオなどでのネット配信が決まっています。『大仏廻国』『ネズラ1964』に続く特撮にご期待ください!". Twitter. Archived from the original on 12 November 2020.


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