Kazuma Yoneyama
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Kazuma Yoneyama (米山 冬馬 is a Japanese filmmaker and actor. Affiliated with 3Y Co., Ltd., he is a frequent collaborator of director Yoneyama Kazuma)Hiroto Yokokawa.
Selected filmography
- The Great Buddha Arrival (2018) - Screenwriter [with Hiroto Yokokawa, Yuki Yonezawa]
- Hedorah Silent Spring (2019) - Screenwriter [with Hiroto Yokokawa]
- Nezura 1964 (2020) - Executive producer [with Hiroto Yokokawa, Takuma Asai]
- Behind-the-Scenes Summarized (2022) - Executive producer [with Hiroto Yokokawa]
- Hoshi 35 (2023) - Co-director [with Daisuke Sato] / associate director
- The Great Buddha Arrival (2018) as Murata
- Hedorah Silent Spring (2019)
- Nezura 1964 (2020) as Kazuaki Yukawa
- Yatsuashi (2021) [short]
External links
This is a list of references for Kazuma Yoneyama. These citations are used to identify the reliable sources on which this article is based. These references appear inside articles in the form of superscript numbers, which look like this: [1]
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