Notable role(s)
Ultraman, various background characters and supporting roles
Satoshi Furuya (古谷 敏, Furuya Satoshi), known professionally as Bin Furuya (古谷 敏, Furuya Bin), is a Japanese actor. He is famous for being the suit actor for Ultraman in the 1966 series of the same name, but previously appeared in various Toho films, usually as minor background characters. In recent years, he has become a frequent guest at American science-fiction conventions.
Selected filmography
Selected bibliography
- The Man Who Became Ultraman (2009) - Author
Bin Furuya battles Zetton during the G-Fest XVII costume parade in 2010
Bin Furuya interviewed for a G-Fest XIX panel in 2012
Bin Furuya, Susumu Kurobe, and Hiroko Sakurai at a Monsterpalooza panel in 2013
- Furuya was chosen to be the suit actor for Ultraman because of his relatively tall height and muscular proportions, meaning that he was the best fit for the suit.
External links
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