Raymond Burr

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Raymond Burr
Raymond Burr
Born May 21, 1917
New Westminster, British Columbia, Canada
Died Semptember 12, 1993
Notable role(s) Steve Martin
First work Desperate (1947)
Notable work Perry Mason (TV 1957-1966)
When they asked me to do [Godzilla 1985], I said, 'Certainly,' and everyone thought I was out of my mind. But it wasn't the large sum of money. It was the fact that, first of all, I kind of liked Godzilla, and where do you get the opportunity to play yourself 30 years later?

— Raymond Burr[1]

Raymond Burr was a Canadian-American actor who played the character Steve Martin in both Godzilla, King of the Monsters! and Godzilla 1985. He was a well renowned actor who is most notable for his roles in such classics as Alfred Hitchcock's Rear Window, the well-received television series Perry Mason, and the original Ironside.


Raymond William Stacy Burr was born on May 21, 1917, in New Westminster, British Columbia. Later, he moved to California with his mother. He took a few jobs to help support his family, such as a ranch hand, a sheriff's deputy, a photo salesman, and even a singer at a night club. He also served in the U.S. Navy, but that ended when he was shot in the stomach and was sent home. He eventually starred in his film debut San Quentin. After that he went on to star in 90 films, including Godzilla, King of the Monsters! and Godzilla 1985, although his most famous role was that of Perry Mason in the television show of the same name. In 1993, he passed away after a long battle with cancer.

Selected filmography


  • By the time Burr reprised his role as Steve Martin in Godzilla 1985, the actor Steve Martin had risen to prominence. As a result, the fictional Martin's first name is never spoken in the film, and the end credits list him as "Steven Martin."
  • In 1996, TV Guide placed Burr 44th on its list of the 50 greatest TV stars of all time.


This is a list of references for Raymond Burr. These citations are used to identify the reliable sources on which this article is based. These references appear inside articles in the form of superscript numbers, which look like this: [1]

  1. Steve Ryfle (1998). Japan's Favorite Mon-Star: The Unauthorized Biography of the "Big G". ECW Press. p. 160. ISBN 1-55022-348-8.


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