Ayako Fujitani

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Ayako Fujitani
Ayako Fujitani
Born December 7, 1979
Yodogawa, Osaka, Osaka, Japan
Occupation Actress, writer
Notable role(s) Asagi Kusanagi
First work Gamera the Guardian of the Universe (1995)
Notable work Man from Reno (2014)
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Ayako Fujitani (藤谷 文子,   Fujitani Ayako) is a Japanese actress and writer. Fujitani began acting in 1995 with the film Gamera the Guardian of the Universe after meeting director Shusuke Kaneko at a film festival.[citation needed] She portrayed Asagi Kusanagi in the Gamera series' Heisei Trilogy.

Selected filmography

Selected video games


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