Jiro Dan

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Jiro Dan
Jiro Dan
Born January 30, 1949
Kyoto, Japan
Died March 22, 2023 (aged 74)[1]
Occupation Actor
Notable role(s) Hideki Go, Beisuke Jinguji
First work Drunken Doctor (1966)
Notable work Return of Ultraman (TV 1971-1972)
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Jiro Dan (団 時朗,   Dan Jirō) was a Japanese actor. He played Beisuke Jinguji in Godzilla Island and Hideki Go, the human host of Ultraman Jack, throughout the Ultra Series. Dan passed away on March 22, 2023.[1]

Selected filmography


This is a list of references for Jiro Dan. These citations are used to identify the reliable sources on which this article is based. These references appear inside articles in the form of superscript numbers, which look like this: [1]

  1. 1.0 1.1 ULTRAMAN Global (24 March 2023). "On March 22, Jiro Dan, the lead role of Hideki Go in Return of Ultraman, passed away. We remember him fondly and offer our sincere condolences. In honor of Jiro Dan, who has journeyed to the Star of Ultra, the final episode "The Five Oaths of Ultra" will be free YouTube soon". Twitter.


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