George Takei

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George Takei
George Takei.jpeg
Born April 20, 1937
Los Angeles, California, U.S.
Notable role(s) Dr. Kyuichiro Kashiwagi, Izeki, male honeymooner, Ikeda, Osaka SDF dispatcher
First work Rodan (1957; U.S. release)
Notable work Star Trek (TV 1966-1969)

George Takei (born Hosato Takei) is an American actor. Of numerous roles throughout movies and television, he is most famous for playing Lieutenant Hikaru Sulu in the Star Trek franchise. Among his earliest roles were contributions to kaiju media, providing voices for the U.S. releases of Rodan and Godzilla Raids Again (the latter as the Americanized version Gigantis, the Fire Monster). He describes the production of both dubs in his 1994 book To the Stars: The Autobiography of George Takei.

Selected filmography



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