Kenya Saitou
Kenya Saitou (齊藤 謙也 is a Saitō Ken'ya)Japanese stuntman and suit actor affiliated with Red Entertainment Deliver. He is best known for his work on the Super Sentai and Kamen Rider franchises, both of which he entered in 2015, with Tokumei Sentai Go-Busters and Kamen Rider Ghost, respectively. For Toho, he has been cast as Godzilla in the 2019 short film Dream Challenge: Godzilla Appears in Sukagawa, two BOSS Coffee commercials, and a Thai music video, and as Jet Jaguar in two of Kazuhiro Nakagawa's short films for Godzilla Fest.
Selected filmography
- Dream Challenge: Godzilla Appears in Sukagawa (2019) as Godzilla [uncredited][2]
- "The Faceless Star" (2019) as Haruo Nakajima/Godzilla [uncredited][3]
- "The Impact of a Blue Day" (2021) as Godzilla [uncredited][4]
- Fest Godzilla 4: Operation Jet Jaguar (2023) as Jet Jaguar
- "Yours Ever" music video (2024) as Godzilla
- Fest Godzilla 5: All Monsters Showdown (2024) as Jet Jaguar
- According to Shinichi Wakasa in Fest Godzilla 4: Operation Jet Jaguar's modelmaking video, the 1.76-meter Saitou is the same height as original Jet Jaguar suit actor Tsugutoshi Komada.
See also
External links
This is a list of references for Kenya Saitou. These citations are used to identify the reliable sources on which this article is based. These references appear inside articles in the form of superscript numbers, which look like this: [1]
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