Kuichiro Kishida

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Kuichiro Kishida
Kuichiro Kishida
Born January 18, 1907
Kyoto, Japan[1]
Died October 28, 1996 (aged 89)
Occupation Lighting technician
First work Intoxicated Life (1933)

Kuichiro Kishida (岸田 九一郎,   Kishida Kuichirō) was a Japanese lighting technician who provided lighting for a number of Toho's kaiju and science fiction films during the Showa era.

Selected filmography

Special effects lighting technician

Lighting technician


  1. Special effects staff did not begin to be individually credited until The Mysterians; Kishida was simply credited for "special effects" alongside Eiji Tsuburaya, Akira Watanabe and Hiroshi Mukoyama.


This is a list of references for Kuichiro Kishida. These citations are used to identify the reliable sources on which this article is based. These references appear inside articles in the form of superscript numbers, which look like this: [1]

  1. Encyclopedia of Godzilla. Gakken. 1 January 1990. p. 101.


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