Yuki Ichinose
Yuki Ichinose (一ノ瀬 由紀 is a supporting protagonist in the Ichinose Yuki)1999 Godzilla film Godzilla 2000: Millennium.
Millennium era
Godzilla 2000: Millennium
Yuki is a foul-mouthed cynic who works as a reporter for Super Mystery Magazine Ooparts.[1] She is introduced into the film shortly after the opening. She is traveling to a Godzilla sighting spot with Yuji Shinoda and his daughter Io. After a brief near-death experience with Godzilla, Yuki gets the pictures she wanted, but when she turns them in to her boss, it is discovered that Godzilla's radiation had destroyed the film in her camera. She eventually arranges to go on another Godzilla-seeking outing with the Shinodas, but she is told that she must join the Godzilla Prediction Network to do so. She reluctantly joins, and aids her new colleagues in their quest for knowledge. When she nears the Millennian spacecraft, it begins to hack the files she had about Godzilla. This leads her to break in to her newspaper office to unplug all the computers that the Millennians were hacking for data. Before she can finish, she is met by Yuji and Io who tell her that the building is set to explode. Yuji, having more computing experience, continued unplug computers while Yuki and Io escaped. Yuki is present during the battle between Godzilla and Orga.
Ichinose shortly before her laptop is hacked by the Millennians
- According to her Ooparts ID badge, Ichinose was born on May 20, 1975.[1]
- In the manga adaptation of the film, Yuki has an additional scene involving the Shinoda's familial dynamic. Unlike in the film, Yuji was still studying Organizer G1 in Crisis Control Intelligence's laboratory while the Millennian UFO landed atop it. She goes to rescue him, making him realize how his recklessness could have cost Io her only surviving parent. This leads into another manga exclusive sequence in which they have to save Io from capture by the Millennians.
This is a list of references for Yuki Ichinose. These citations are used to identify the reliable sources on which this article is based. These references appear inside articles in the form of superscript numbers, which look like this: [1]
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