Maia Simmons

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Maia Simmons
Maia Simmons in Godzilla vs. Kong
Species Human
Nationality American
Affiliation Apex Cybernetics
Occupation Apex Cybernetics executive
Related to Walter Simmons (father)
First appearance Godzilla vs. Kong
Played by Eiza Gonzalez
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My father gets what he wants.

— Maia Simmons (Godzilla vs. Kong)

Maia Simmons is a character in the 2021 Legendary Pictures Godzilla film, Godzilla vs. Kong.

A high-ranking Apex Cybernetics executive and the daughter of the organization's founder and CEO Walter Simmons, Maya was chosen to accompany Monarch on its mission to relocate Kong to and explore the Hollow Earth.


Maia Simmons is portrayed as a highly prideful and self-centered character, whose allegiance is entirely devoted to her company, Apex Cybernetics. Her contemptuous attitude and sense of superiority are evident when she belittles the achievements of others, such as when talking about the Hollow Earth's air vehicles and cheekily referring to Nathan Lind as a helicopter.

Maia shows little interest in the concerns of the other members of the mission, as her main focus is on Apex's objectives and achievements. Her self-centeredness leads her to be insensitive to the concerns of others and to consider herself superior to others involved in the mission.

Although Maia has an arrogant personality, there are also times when she shows a degree of concern and compassion. For example, she shows interest in Jia and is quick to help the native Iwi when she is in danger. These moments indicate that, despite her self-centeredness, there are certain aspects of humanity to her.



Godzilla vs. Kong

Maia was sent by her father to recover and deliver the Hollow Earth samples and the H.E.A.V. transports to get there. After getting the samples, she tried to escape from the expedition with the sample and get it back to the surface. When she ordered to fire on Kong, Kong grabbed the HEAV, and didn't hesitate to crush it, killing Maia and her crew.


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