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Techno-Sentient's third form concept art
Species Alien creature
Enemies Godzilla, humans
Created by Fil Barlow
Played by Animation
First appearance Godzilla: The Series
episode 20, "Juggernaut"

The Techno-Sentient (テクノ・センティエント,   Tekuno · Sentiento) is an alien monster created by TriStar Pictures that first appeared in the twentieth episode of Godzilla: The Series, entitled "Juggernaut".


The Techno-Sentient is a blob-like alien life form that possesses cable-like tentacles and a single eye. Its main body is half orange and half beige, and its tentacles are a light gray color. Its eye is sunken into its body, with the crevice being red and the eye itself having a yellow sclera, blue iris, and a black pupil.


The Techno-Sentient was a mysterious organism from outer space that has the ability to fuse itself with any mechanical device it comes into contact with. After attacking a boy's toy car, a hot dog stand, an electronics store, and a construction site, it grew to Godzilla-like proportions. It tapped into the Internet and learns about humans, Earth, and the locations of weapons of mass destruction. H.E.A.T. pursued it to Fort McKenzie, where it fought Godzilla, but the United States military opened fire on both monsters. The Techno-Sentient took the opportunity to wrap itself around a missile's launch tower Godzilla then pounded on it, causing it to become stuck, the missile was shot into space, killing the Techno-Sentient.


While it is never explained as to why, the Techno-Sentient was shown to be incredibly interested in learning about all of mankind through the means of the Internet. When it had assumedly found all information it needed to know, it decided to attempt to cause a nuclear war between nations by launching a nuclear missile.


Techno-Sentient absorbing a refrigerator and gaining ice abilities

Absorption and incorporation

The Techno-Sentient, being an extraterrestrial menace, has unique characteristics, such as the ability to incorporate any kind of machinery or technology into its body, allowing it to increase in size & mass. The Techno-Sentient gains the properties and abilities of the technology/machines that have been absorbed into its body, such as when the monster absorbed a refrigerator and gained the ability to launch ice shards, and when it absorbed a tank and gained a turret. The Techno-Sentient also has the ability to disable missiles and render them harmless before they can explode in its body.


The creature is intelligent to a degree, as it found the location of a top-secret missile installation by utilizing the Internet.


Main article: Techno-Sentient/Gallery.


  • The Techno-Sentient shares some similarities with the unmade kaiju Berserk, which also had the ability to absorb various pieces of machinery and technology into itself in order to grow more powerful.


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Godzilla: The Series