Fire Monster

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Fire Monster
The Fire Monster in Godzilla: The Series
Species Irradiated squid-like insect
Place(s) of emergence Oil rig in the Gulf of Mexico
Enemies Godzilla, H.E.A.T.
Designed by Fil Barlow
First appearance Godzilla: The Series
episode 38, "Ring of Fire"

The Fire Monster (ファイヤー・モンスター,   Faiyā Monsutā) is a giant squid-like insect monster who appears in episode 17 of the second season of Godzilla: The Series, "Ring of Fire."


The Fire Monster is orange and has yellow eyes. It has a giant ink sac that has blowpipes both on the sac and underneath its insectoid tail. The Fire Monster has a squid-like body with two fins behind its eyes and insectoid features such as six spider-like legs, four mandibles in front of its face, and a pincer at the end of its ink sac and at the end of its tail. When surrounded with a "second body" made of fire, the fire resembles the monster.


Godzilla: The Series

"Ring of Fire"

A strange creature with a squid-like body and six spider-like legs, the Fire Monster was able to surround itself with a "second body" made of flame, and fed on fire. H.E.A.T. encountered this creature while exploring a damaged oil rig in the Gulf of Mexico, when it was feeding on the oil from the rig. However, as Godzilla attempted to destroy it with his atomic breath, it simply fed on it and grew larger, eventually growing to twice Godzilla's size. H.E.A.T. managed to cut off the creature's food supply, and it shrank to the size of a bus.

However, Dr. Craven and Randy saw the potential in discovering the creature's process of regenerating energy, and smuggled the creature back to H.E.A.T. Headquarters. But the creature revived, and nearly burned down all of Staten Island. Finally, it was caught and trapped in a vacuum bubble and sent to the bottom of the ocean. But at the last moment, a shark damaged the container and apparently released the Fire Monster.



The Fire Monster can shoot jets of fire out of the blowpipes connected to its ink sac as well as shoot fire out of the blowpipes underneath its tail. The Fire Monster can also use this ability to surround itself with a "second body" of fire. While surrounded in a second body of fire, the Fire Monster can shoot large fireballs.


The Fire Monster is able to feed on any fire to make itself stronger, as seen when Godzilla blasted the creature with his atomic breath; it only made the creature's fire bigger. After feeding on flammable material (such as oil) through its legs, the Fire Monster can completely regenerate its energy.

Methane blood

Due to its biology, the Fire Monster bleeds methane, which could be dangerous if it is near any open fire.


After being lured away from the oil rig with the promise of richer oil, the Fire Monster had nothing to feed on and proceeded to burn through its own reserves. As the Fire Monster tried to feed on the oil from the oil rig again, Godzilla created a huge wave with his tail. The wave then knocked out the Fire Monster. The Fire Monster was knocked out again after igniting the nitroglycerin N.I.G.E.L. was carrying.


Main article: Fire Monster/Gallery.


The Fire Monster's roars are a combination of El Gusano Gigante and the Giant Mutant Queen Bee's roars.


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Godzilla: The Series