Great Watchuka

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Great Watchuka
The Sub-Zero Terror
Subtitle(s) Abominable Snowman
(雪男,   Yukiotoko)[1]
Species Watchuki
Place(s) of emergence Dormant volcano in the Himalayan mountain range
Enemies Godzilla, Godzooky, Calico crew
First appearance Godzilla episode 12,
"The Sub-Zero Terror"

The Great Watchuka (ワチュカ,   Wachuka) is a yeti monster that appeared in the 1978 Godzilla episode "The Sub-Zero Terror." It acts as the protector of the Watchuki people of the Himilayas.



"The Sub-Zero Terror"

The crew of the Calico journeyed to the Himalaya Mountains with a scientific expedition led by Dr. Quinn's old friend and colleague, Dr. Rourke, in search of a reputed source of geothermal energy.

After approaching an area near a dormant volcano, which they believed to contain the energy source, expedition was attacked the Great Watchuka, who attempted to smother the crew with an avalanche. Godzilla was summoned and shielded the group from the falling snow with his body. Entering the volcano, the Calico crew discovered a village of intelligent white-furred hominids who called themselves the Watchuka, whose village was powered by a steam engine - the source of the geothermal energy source the party was searching for.

Harboring a deep grudge against humanity, the Watchuka planned to conquer the surface world by releasing an army of larger warrior Watchuka who had been cryogenically preserved until war is declared. Naturally, the Calico crew opposed the Watchuka's plan, but the villagers summoned their guardian, the Great Watchuka, to stop them from escaping and warning the rest of the human race. The Great Watchuka clutched Quinn in its hands as she summoned Godzilla.

Godzilla arrived, and the two monsters began to fight. After wrestling with the Great Watchuka, Godzilla used his fire breath on the monster, but it blocked it with a giant boulder. As they kept fighting, the stresses of their fight reawakened the dormant volcano. As the volcano showed signs of eruption, the ground fissured. Godzilla dodged one of the Great Watchuka's tackles, sending the Watchuka off the side of the cliff to disappear into a chasm. Godzilla saved the crew from the eruption and sealed the volcano with a giant rock, imprisoning the Watchuka inside.



The Great Watchuka possessed immense strength.


Main article: Great Watchuka/Gallery.


This is a list of references for Great Watchuka. These citations are used to identify the reliable sources on which this article is based. These references appear inside articles in the form of superscript numbers, which look like this: [1]

  1. Godzilla 1954-1999 Super Complete Works. Shogakukan. 1 January 2000. p. 205. ISBN 978-4091014702.


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