Power Dragon

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Power Dragon
The Power Dragon in "The City in the Clouds"
Species Extraterrestrial dragon
Place(s) of emergence Space
Enemies Godzilla, Godzooky, Calico crew,
Cloud Dwellers
First appearance Godzilla episode 18,
"The City in the Clouds"

The Power Dragon (パワー・ドラゴン,   Pawā Doragon) is a dragon monster that first appeared in the 1979 Godzilla episode "The City in the Clouds."


The Power Dragon strongly resembles wyverns and traditional European dragons. Its body is an orangish-brown with a black underside, though the upper halves of its thighs are the same color as is upper body. Its thighs also have spikes towards the end of the episode. It has two curved horns jutting from near its pupiless yellow eyes and a few smaller ones running down its neck. Its wings are jagged and have a three-fingered hand on each. It has a thick tail ending in a diamond-shaped point.



"The City in the Clouds"

The Power Dragon came to Earth from a distant planet, following an alien civilization that came and hid their city by disguising it as a thunderstorm. After the Power Dragon attacked some ships at sea, the Calico was sucked by the storm into the city, where the crew met the aliens' leader, Ze-us, who explained his people's plight and activated a portal to bring the rest of his people over. The portal's energy attracted the Power Dragon, who began to destroy the city and pursue Ze-us' people. Ze-us attempted to halt the Power Dragon's rampage with his Thought-Amplifier, but it shot down his projectile and continued to attack. Ze-us' daughter Anthea freed Godzilla from the storm's eye, allowing him to fend off the Power Dragon.

After realizing Godzilla's power, Ze-us teleported him to his people's home planet and seized the Godzilla Signal from Captain Majors, revealing his plan to conquer Earth. The Calico crew regrouped and stole back both the Godzilla Signal and the Thought-Amplifier, but the Power Dragon returned and destroyed the portal before they could free Godzilla. It then went after the Calico crew, who had Ze-us' Thought-Amplifier, but Dr. Darian used it to bring Godzilla back. Godzilla led the Power Dragon towards the storm's eye, which they both fell into. Fighting its way out of Godzilla's grasp, the Power Dragon shorted out the generators that formed the storm, causing it and the aliens to return to their homeworld.



The Power Dragon can fly.

Storm manipulation

The Power Dragon can fire lightning bolts from its mouth, which short-circuits electronic devices with a single hit and melted a ship after a second strike. Additionally, it can disguise itself as a cloud while flying. The Power Dragon drained the energy in the sky city's generators without being near them.

Energy detection

The Power Dragon is attracted to enormous quantities of energy, shown when it appears whenever the portal is being activated. It was also attracted to the Thought-Amplifier in a similar manner.


Godzilla proved to be physically stronger than the Power Dragon, whose lightning breath was easily dodged by Godzilla and later left no effect on him. It depended on the sky city's generators to remain on Earth, and teleported back to its homeworld once they were depleted.





  • Like King Ghidorah, the Power Dragon is a horned, bipedal alien dragon; it also spits lightning that is visually similar to his gravity beams.


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