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Deep-Dweller in Godzilla: The Series
Alternate names Dweller
Species Irradiated fish
Place(s) of emergence Atlantic Ocean near New York City
Enemies Godzilla, H.E.A.T.
Designed by Fil Barlow
First appearance Godzilla: The Series
episode 40, "Tourist Trap"

The Deep-Dweller is a giant fish monster who appears in the second unaired episode of Godzilla: The Series, "Tourist Trap."


The Deep-Dweller has the body of an anglerfish and is red with an orange underside. The Deep Dweller has orange eyes, a row of spikes running down its back, and two arms with three claws on each arm.


The Deep-Dweller is a deep-sea-dwelling fish that was forced up to the surface due to unknown circumstances.


Godzilla: The Series

"Tourist Trap"

The Deep-Dweller was, as the title implies, a deep-sea-dwelling fish that was forced to the surface, where it became disoriented by the light and began to attack passing ships. It soon attracted the attention of H.E.A.T., who eventually tried to lure the Dweller out of the Hudson Canyon and off of the continental shelf. After a battle with Godzilla, they were able to use light beams to send it home, but they became caught on it and were dragged into pressures that their submarine could not handle. Godzilla then burrowed out of the continental shelf and freed them before again confronting the Deep-Dweller. He then allowed the fish to swim away into the open ocean.


Physical abilities

The Deep-Dweller boasts a 40-foot wide jaw, and a powerful bite to match.


The Deep-Dweller can secrete an adhesive from its skin to cocoon itself, using the wreckage of ships in order to create a protective shelter when resting.


Due to having spent its life in total darkness, the Deep-Dweller gets irritated when light is shined in its eyes.


Main article: Deep-Dweller/Gallery.


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Godzilla: The Series