Giant Black Widow

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Giant Black Widow
The Giant Black Widow with Godzooky
Alternate names Giant Spider
Species Mutated black widow spider
Place(s) of emergence Kilimanjaro, Tanzania
First appearance Godzilla episode 20,
"Valley of the Giants"
To be added.
Not to be confused with the Giant Mutant Widow Spiders from Godzilla: The Series.

The Giant Black Widow is a spider monster created by Hanna-Barbera that appeared in the 1979 Godzilla episode "Valley of the Giants."


The Giant Black Widow, like normal black widows, is a mostly black spider with red markings on its abdomen. The Giant Black Widow's markings are V-shaped and run along its underside and join into a single line that runs down its thorax as well. It has two white eyes with black pupils, a pair of white mandibles, and its frontmost pair of limbs possess two crescent-shaped claws. Its body seems to be covered in fur, and it has bushy eyebrows. It has a beaked, turtle-like mouth with a red tongue.



"Valley of the Giants"

The Giant Dragonfly attacked the Calico crew but missed, hurtling itself into the Giant Black Widow's web. The spider itself soon appeared and terrorized the crew. Captain Majors called Godzilla and the crew ran. With Godzilla nowhere in sight, Godzooky turned around and challenged the spider, only to be scared off once it loomed over him and started drooling. It cornered the crew, but was distracted by Godzilla's appearance. It lunged at him and tried to bite him, but Godzilla blocked it with a giant stick before throwing the spider off and sending it packing with a blast of fire. Godzilla was soon distracted by the Giant Beetle, allowing the Giant Black Widow to escape. As Godzilla explored the valley, the Giant Black Widow stalked Godzilla, eventually jumping onto his back and biting him when Majors summoned him to fight off the Giant Bees.

Godzilla was poisoned by the bite and fell unconscious, being cocooned by the Giant Black Widow shortly afterward and leaving the crew defenseless against the Giant Bees, Giant Venus Flytrap, and Giant Antlion. After managing to rescue themselves, the Calico crew repeatedly called for Godzilla, only to grow worried and search for him when he failed to show up. They found Godzilla in the cocoon and split up, with Majors and Brock staying to free Godzilla while Quinn, Pete, and Godzooky went and scouted ahead, though they were chased off by Giant Ants. As they ran back to Godzilla, they passed underneath the Giant Black Widow, who descended and cornered them with a Giant Ant. Godzooky flew to the spider and distracted it, only to get caught in the Giant Black Widow's web.

As the Giant Black Widow was about to eat Godzooky, Godzilla woke up and burned away his cocoon with his laser eyes before plucking Godzooky out of the web and placing him near the Giant Ant to scare it off before fighting the Giant Black Widow. After grappling with each other, Godzilla accidentally threw the spider into the rays of light that had enlarged all the life in the valley, making it far larger than Godzilla. It tackled him, but he grabbed one of its legs and pulled it in the way of the spider's mouth, forcing it to bite itself before Godzilla rolled it into its own web.


Venomous bite

The Giant Black Widow can deliver a painfully venomous bite, capable of knocking foes unconscious.


The Giant Black Widow can produce webbing from its abdomen. This webbing is stronger than steel and can be used to quickly cocoon prey.


The Giant Black Widow has snapping jaws which can chew through wood, aided by acidic saliva.


The Giant Black Widow retreated from Godzilla once it began to lose and stalked him afterwards until it had the opportunity to ambush him.


The Giant Black Widow was paralyzed by its own venom and trapped in its own web.



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