Mutant Rat

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Mutant Rats
A Large Mutant Rat in Godzilla: The Series
A Small Mutant Rat in Godzilla: The Series
A Medium Mutant Rat in Godzilla: The Series
Alternate names Mutant Sewer Rats[1]
Species Irradiated sewer rats
Place(s) of emergence New York City sewage system
Enemies Godzilla, H.E.A.T., Hunters
Designed by Fil Barlow
First appearance Latest appearance
Not to be confused with Giant Rat.

The Mutant Rats are giant rodent monsters who first appeared in episode 6 of Godzilla: The Series, entitled "Cat and Mouse."


In the book Godzilla 1954-1999 Super Complete Works, the Mutant Rats featured in "Cat and Mouse" are collectively called Mutant Sewer Rats in English, while the largest rat that reappears in the "Monster Wars" trilogy is simply called the Mutant Rat in English, or Regenerated Mutant Rat (再生ミュータント・ネズミ,   Saisei Myūtanto Nezumi) in Japanese.[1]


The Mutant Rats have three separate types. The smallest and most abundant type of Mutant Rat is thin and covered in brown fur, while the middle-sized rat is bulkier in its build and has bare chestnut-colored skin. The largest rat has six green eyes that shine red in the darkness. Each rat is shown to have red eyes and a mouth full of enormous, jagged teeth. While the smallest rats have four claws on each foot, the medium-sized rats and largest rat have six claws on each foot. Each of the three different types of rats have a different number of teeth. The smallest rats have 12: two large teeth in the front, with two smaller teeth behind on the top of the mouth and eight smaller teeth on the lower jaw. The medium-sized rats have eight teeth: four teeth on the top of the mouth and on the lower jaw. The largest rat also has 12 teeth: eight on the top of the mouth and four teeth on the lower jaw.


Godzilla: The Series

"Cat and Mouse"

The Mutant Rats first drew attention to themselves after one attacked a homeless man in New York City. H.E.A.T. then began to track them down, and were attacked by a group of Rats before being chased off by Godzilla, who, as an iguana, naturally preyed on rats. As a part of their attack plan, the humans sent a probe into their burrow, which the Rats destroyed. They were then hunted by a group of poachers, and the two groups made their way into the Giant Rats' nest, where they were able to corner the assailants, but they were buried in their burrow by Godzilla before they could cause the humans any harm.

"Monster Wars: Part 1"

The Huge Mutant Rat was called from wherever it had been to the Leviathan Aliens' Site Omega, where they began to put into effect their plan to use the monsters to dominate Earth.

"Monster Wars: Part 2"

On detecting the newly indoctrinated Godzilla on the island, the Huge Mutant Rat, King Cobra, the Queen Bee, and El Gusano Gigante all prepared to battle him. The Leviathan Aliens prevented conflict with their mind control before sending the monsters out to cause destruction in the world.



The smaller rats could run fast enough to outpace Godzilla, who is capable of running at up to 300 miles per hour.


The smaller rats are extraordinary jumpers, being able to jump on top of short buildings.

Physical abilities

The medium-sized rats have the strength to snatch humans, and carry them with one arm. The largest rat is even stronger than its smaller counterparts.


The smaller rats can be taken out by a single tranquilizer. Due to being subterranean creatures, the rats dislike bright lights, allowing Niko Tatopoulos to hold them back with a flare. After Godzilla caused their burrow to collapse, the Mutant Rats were sealed away.

Video games


Main article: Mutant Rat/Gallery.


The smaller and medium-sized mutant rats reuse El Gusano Gigante's roars, while the largest rat emits wild boar sounds.

In other languages

Language Name Meaning
Flagicon Japan.png Japanese ミュータント・ネズミ[1] Myūtanto Nezumi Translation of English name
Flagicon Russia.png Russian Гигантские крысы Gigantskiye Krysy Giant Rat


This is a list of references for Mutant Rat. These citations are used to identify the reliable sources on which this article is based. These references appear inside articles in the form of superscript numbers, which look like this: [1]

  1. Jump up to: 1.0 1.1 1.2 Godzilla 1954-1999 Super Complete Works. Shogakukan. 1 January 2000. pp. 64–66. ISBN 978-4091014702.


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Godzilla: The Series