Custom Jellar
Custom Jellar (カスタムジュラー is an alien mollusk kaiju created by Kasutamu Jurā)Toho that appeared in the 1973 episode 21 of Zone Fighter, "Invincible! Godzilla Enraged!"
Custom Jellar grew from a torn piece of Jellar's arm during its battle with Godzilla and Zone Fighter in the suburbs of Tokyo.[2]
- Zone Fighter (TV 1973) [episode 21]
Showa era
Zone Fighter
"Invincible! Godzilla Enraged!"
When Godzilla ripped off part of Jellar, it quickly grew into Custom Jellar. Helping its brother, it rushed into combat and tackled Godzilla on sight. It fought bravely, but in the end its life was short lived, as it was crushed and beaten by both Godzilla and Zone Fighter. Jellar and Custom Jellar were finished off by a combination of Godzilla's atomic breath and Zone's Meteor Proton Beam.
Physical abilities
Custom Jellar did not demonstrate any special abilities, simply body-slamming his enemies during combat as well as swinging around his tentacles. Custom Jellar was able to floor Godzilla however, by running into the reptilian while Godzilla was preoccupied with Jellar.
- Main article: Custom Jellar/Gallery.
This is a list of references for Custom Jellar. These citations are used to identify the reliable sources on which this article is based. These references appear inside articles in the form of superscript numbers, which look like this: [1]
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