Cokra is a cockroach monster who appears in Robert E. Sullivan, Jr.'s 1988 story book Godzilla Discovers America.
Cokra's name comes from the word "cockroach" and -ra, a common suffix for kaiju names.
Cokra appears to be an enormous cockroach, though she possesses odd human-like facial features, including a prominent nose, eyelashes, and large lips.
Godzilla Discovers America
Cokra and her numerous children were first seen raiding an apartment in New York City, but soon attracted Godzilla's attention at Miami Beach. The roaches then seize an oil tanker, but Godzilla scares them off.
They reappear at Three Mile Island, and combat Godzilla for numerous hours. At the end of the long fight, Godzilla ends up victorious. Despite their initial harsh feelings, Cokra and Godzilla start to show signs of loving each other, such as Cokra giving Godzilla some flowers and a box of chocolates.
Cokra and her children are later seen helping Godzilla with running for U.S. Senate.
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