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The Sporefly is an insect superspecies[2] which appears in the 2024 Monsterverse video game Godzilla x Kong: Titan Chasers. They are known to possess at least three natural variants: the Sporefly, Sporefly Soldier, and Sporefly Queen. The game's enemy faction, Cernunnos, also employs biomechanically-augmented Queens called Corrupted Sporefly Queens.
To be added.
Sporefly Queens are omnivorous.[1]
Video games
- Godzilla x Kong: Titan Chasers (2024) - iOS, Android, PC
Godzilla x Kong: Titan Chasers
Sporeflies and their variants are encountered in several ways: decorative Sporefly Queens roam around the player's outpost, Sporefly lairs spawn on the map for the player's troops to battle in exchange for resources, all four types of Sporefly are fought throughout the game's campaign expeditions, and both the Sporefly Soldier and Sporefly Queen can be recruited by the player for use in said expeditions.
Both the Sporefly Soldiers and Queens can use an attack called Stab, where they strike the ground with their pincers, sending up fungi shoots to attack enemies. The Soldiers are only able to attack one target with this attack, but it also reduces their speed, while the Queens are able to attack all enemy team members.
Sporefly Queens produce spores which can have beneficial effects on other creatures, including "fortify[ing] defense and boost[ing] regenerative ability".[1] The Sporefly Soldiers are also able to heal creatures using their spores.
Sporefly Queen Siren Isles record
This is a list of references for Sporefly. These citations are used to identify the reliable sources on which this article is based. These references appear inside articles in the form of superscript numbers, which look like this: [1]
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