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Lahamu on a monitor in Kong: Survivor Instinct
Alternate names The specimen
Species Biologically-modified adolescent aquatic serpentine superspecies
Place(s) of emergence Hyenas' Underwater Facility
Relations Tiamat (mother),
Stacy Martin (caretaker)
First appearance Kong: Survivor Instinct
You've seen Lahamu? She's Tiamat's offspring, but I'm the only one who can provide for her. Isn't she breathtaking?

Stacy Martin (Kong: Survivor Instinct)

Lahamu is a serpentine superspecies who appears in the 2024 video game Kong: Survivor Instinct, set in the Monsterverse shortly after the events of Godzilla vs. Kong. The daughter of Tiamat, she was kidnapped and experimented upon by Alan Jonah and his Hyenas for the purposes of biologically modifying her and harvesting her genetic material to sell on the black market. After Lahamu was unwittingly discovered by David Martin, she broke free from her containment and reunited with Tiamat.


Befitting of Lahamu's parentage, she is named after the daughter of Tiamat from the Babylonian creation myth Enūma Eliš. Research logs written by the Hyenas' Chief Scientific Officer refer to her as "the specimen."


Lahamu appears heavily similar to her mother, though she possesses certain distinct traits. Her eyes are relatively larger, simpler, and more fish-like than her mother's. Her head differs greatly from that of Tiamat's; it is more round and fish-like compared to Tiamat's narrower face, giving her a resemblance to a frilled shark. She has catfish-like barbels that protrude from her snout and four small, thin fins on top of her head. Her body is covered in fish-like fins akin to her mother's design in Godzilla Dominion, though they are more rounded than Tiamat's. While she retains her mother's two front appendages, she lacks hind legs. Her skin is aqua blue but fades to brown at her underbelly and portions of her fins. She possesses three tongues in a mouth adorned with needle-like teeth.

During her time contained by the Hyenas, she wore a ribbed metal collar, though she cast it off when reuniting with her mother.


Though physically capable of breaking out of the Containment Chamber the Hyenas held her in, Lahamu did not do so until Stacy Martin provoked her using the ORCA Σ.


Lahamu is the daughter of Tiamat, described by a Monarch log as being "in an early stage of development." The organization was aware of her existence prior to the events of Kong: Survivor Instinct, but had yet to confirm a connection between her and Tiamat. The Hyenas captured her and held her in a Containment Chamber beneath an American coastal city, injecting her with bio-modifications which her immune system eventually stopped rejecting. The Hyenas also sought to exploit her for profit, preparing to harvest her tissues and selling her secretions on the black market for exorbitant sums. Tiamat swam to the city to find her, but was held at bay by the Hyenas' anti-Titan weaponry.


Kong: Survivor Instinct

Exploring the underwater facility of the ecoterrorist group known as the Hyenas in search of his daughter Stacy, David Martin came upon Lahamu in her Containment Chamber. She headbutted the glass, cracking it. Stacy got on the intercom to try to convince David to flee; during their conversation, she declared that while Lahamu was Tiamat's child, only she could provide for her. Nonetheless, when Hyena leader Alan Jonah prepared to execute David, Stacy used the ORCA Σ to goad Lahamu into ramming through her Containment Chamber, flooding the facility. Lahamu reunited with her mother Tiamat, and the two monsters swam away from civilization.



Like her mother, Lahamu is an adept swimmer. She was able to propel herself with enough force to slam into the glass of her holding chamber and smash it open.


Monarch categorizes Lahamu's nature as Bio-Transparent and reports that, according to "[u]nverified accounts," she "exhibits a natural proficiency in camouflage, bordering on near invisibility."


Concept art


In other languages

Language Name Meaning
Flagicon Japan.png Japanese ラハム Rahamu Transliteration of English name
China and Taiwan Flags.png Mandarin Chinese 拉哈穆 Lāhāmù Transliteration of English name
Flagicon South Korea.png Korean 라하무 Lahamu Transliteration of English name


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