Chibikurolla (チビクロラ is a Chibikurora)kaiju created by General Entertainment and Toho that first appeared in the 1998 Godzilla video game, Godzilla Generations.
Chibikurolla's name comes from the words chibi (チビ and kuro chibi) (黒, meaning black, in reference to its black fur, combined with the common kuro)kaiju suffix -ra.
Like the other original Godzilla Generations monsters, Chibikurolla's design is very simple. It is a light yellow chibi creature covered in black fur with three tufts of hair coming out of its head and a pair of eyes with sclera, iris and pupils. It shares its basic 3D model with Junilla.
Video games
- Godzilla Generations (1998) - Sega Dreamcast
- Collect Godzilla: Giant Monster Assembly (1998) - Sega Dreamcast VMU
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