Kaiju Psycho Rangers
I wouldn't worry about Godzilla! I'd worry about us! The Psycho Rangers have gotten a monstrous upgrade! And we're just aching to try our new powers out against some real competition!
— Psycho Ranger Destoroyah (Godzilla vs. The Mighty Morphin Power Rangers II) |
The Kaiju Psycho Rangers are a supervillain team that appeared in the 2024 IDW Publishing and BOOM! Studios crossover comic series Godzilla vs. The Mighty Morphin Power Rangers II. The Kaiju Psycho Rangers were created by siphoning energy from Godzilla's most powerful foes across the Multiverse - including King Ghidorah, Destoroyah, SpaceGodzilla, Megalon, Gigan, and Hedorah - and transferring it into the Psycho Rangers, who themselves were created as evil counterparts to the Space Rangers.
Created by the villains Rita Repulsa and Astronema, the Kaiju Psycho Rangers proved themselves formidable foes for the Power Rangers, who found themselves easily outmatched by their overwhelming power. While evading the Kaiju Psycho Rangers, however, the Power Rangers made various allies across the Multiverse, who eventually helped turn the tide by bestowing the heroic team with their own kaiju powers, creating the Kaiju Power Rangers. The Kaiju Psycho Rangers proceeded to track the team down for one final confrontation to decide the fate of the Multiverse.
The Kaiju Psycho Rangers' team name and individual names are wildly inconsistent. The official synopsis for several issues identifies the group as the Kaiju Psycho Rangers, though within the series itself, Astronema only refers to them as the Psycho Monster Rangers. Rita Repulsa, Astronema, and the Power Rangers repeatedly continue to identify the group simply as the Psycho Rangers even following their transformation. Concept art additionally names them as the Psycho Ranger Monsters. It isn't until the end of the fifth issue that the Red Ranger finally calls them by their full name of "Kaiju Psycho Rangers", ironically only doing so after they had been robbed of their kaiju abilities and defeated.
Individually, their names are given as Psycho Ranger King Ghidorah, Psycho Ranger Destoroyah, Psycho Ranger Megalon, Psycho Ranger SpaceGodzilla, Psycho Ranger Gigan, and Psycho Ranger Hedorah, though these names also vary both within and outside of the comics themselves. When first introduced, Rita Repulsa identifies the King Ghidorah/Psycho Ranger hybrid as Psycho Ranger Ghidora, while Psycho Ranger Destoroyah is also called, perhaps mistakenly, Psycho Ranger Destroyah upon introducing himself. Furthermore, concept art lists the word "monster" as well as each characters' respective color beside their names.
The Kaiju Psycho Rangers were designed by Freddie Williams II, the artist behind the first series. Series author Cullen Bunn contributed to the design process.[1]
The Kaiju Psycho Rangers generally maintain a strong resemblance to their original monster forms as depicted in the television series Power Rangers in Space, although all naturally incorporate elements of their kaiju namesakes. Psycho Ranger King Ghidorah sports a gold, black, and white body, with giant gold wings sprouting out of her back and King Ghidorah's side heads atop her shoulders; Psycho Ranger Destoroyah's head bears a strong resemblance to his kaiju namesake and sports two sets of wings on his back; Psycho Ranger SpaceGodzilla features giant crystal shoulders, crystal spikes, and SpaceGodzilla's crown; Psycho Ranger Megalon possesses Megalon's star-shaped horn, antenna, and drill arms; Psycho Ranger Gigan sports a cyclops-like visor and scythe-like claws at the sides of his arms in addition to being surrounded by a glowing green energy; and Psycho Ranger Hedorah sports a purple body, white head, and massive, sludge-like wings with Hedorah's eye patterns upon them.
After Astronema rescued Rita Repulsa from being lost in the Multiverse in the wake of her defeat to Godzilla, the two formed an alliance, with Rita scheming to increase the power of Astronema's Psycho Rangers - evil counterparts to the Space Rangers. Rita used the Psycho Rangers' own Shadow Sword to siphon energy from Godzilla's most powerful foes across the Multiverse before using her magic to instill the energy into the Psycho Rangers themselves, creating the Kaiju Psycho Rangers.
Psycho Ranger King Ghidorah was the first member to be created, having gained abilities siphoned from King Ghidorah. The remaining Psycho Rangers intended on siphoning energy from Godzilla himself, though this scheme was never realized, and the remaining team members instead gained their abilities from Destoroyah, SpaceGodzilla, Megalon, Gigan, and Hedorah.
- Godzilla vs. The Mighty Morphin Power Rangers II #1-5 (2024)
Godzilla vs. The Mighty Morphin Power Rangers II
Issue #1
The Kaiju Psycho Rangers were developed by Rita Repulsa and Astronema using energy siphoned from Godzilla's most powerful foes from across the Multiverse. Psycho Ranger King Ghidorah was eager to be sent out to siphon Godzilla's energy for their fellow Psycho Rangers.
Issue #2
While traversing the Multiverse in an attempt to escape Rita's monsters, Power Rangers and the White Ranger met Goro Ibuki and Jet Jaguar, who helped them control a fragment of the Multiversal Focus to determine what universe they would jump to next. Upon jumping to another reality, however, the Power Rangers, Jet Jaguar, and Godzilla found themselves face-to-face with the new Kaiju Psycho Rangers, having siphoned their energies from Destoroyah, SpaceGodzilla, Megalon, Gigan, and Hedorah.
Issue #3

Psycho Ranger Hedorah struck first, lobbing corrosive sludge at the Megazord while Psycho Ranger Gigan sliced into the White Ranger's Tigerzord. The Dragonzord was not safe from their wrath, either, with Psycho Ranger Megalon using his drill arms to charge into the Zord. Godzilla attempted to fight back by blasting Psycho Ranger SpaceGodzilla with his atomic breath, though the latter deflected the blast with a telekinetic shield. Godzilla and the Dragonzord managed to land hits on their respective foes, though Psycho Ranger King Ghidorah and Psycho Ranger Destoroyah employed energy weapons against the lot. As Jet Jaguar located and rescued a group of Power Rangers from this alternate universe, the Kaiju Psycho Rangers easily overwhelmed their opponents, with Psycho Rangers Hedorah and Gigan smothering the Tigerzord as Psycho Rangers SpaceGodzilla and Megalon simultaneously tore through the armor of the Dragonzord. Once the alternate-universe Power Rangers were safe, Jet Jaguar used the Multiversal Focus fragment to teleport his allies to another reality, hoping to lose the Kaiju Psycho Rangers in the reality stream.
Despite their best efforts to shake off their adversaries, the recovering Power Rangers were ambushed by the Kaiju Psycho Rangers mere minutes later as they attempted to recuperate on Infant Island. Fortunately, the Elias, Queen Mothra, and Godzilla came to their aid, attempting to fend the monstrous foes off. Godzilla fired his beam at Psycho Ranger King Ghidorah, only to come under attack from Psycho Ranger Gigan, who sliced into Godzilla's arm while Psycho Ranger Destoroyah pursued Mothra in the air and clawed at her face. Before the Kaiju Psycho Rangers could capture or defeat their opponents, Jet Jaguar teleported the group away yet again, saving both the Power Rangers and their various allies in the process.
Issue #4
Desperate to even the odds against their seemingly unstoppable foes, the Power Rangers and their allies made the bold move of harnessing energy from other kaiju throughout the Multiverse and imbuing the heroes with their own kaiju energy, resulting in the creation of the Kaiju Power Rangers and their Kaiju Zords. After using their newfound powers to best most of Rita's monster army, the Kaiju Psycho Rangers finally tracked them down, prompting them to combine their Zords into the Kaiju Megazord.
Issue #5
The Kaiju Megazord engaged the Kaiju Psycho Rangers, punching Psycho Ranger Megalon away. Psycho Ranger King Ghidorah attempted to blast them with a lightning beam, but the Kaiju Megazord used the King Caesar Shield to deflect the beam back at them. Psycho Ranger Hedorah then grabbed the machine from behind, holding it in place as the other Kaiju Psycho Rangers attacked. Fortunately, the Kaiju Megazord was able to shake Psycho Ranger Hedorah off and prevent an attack from Psycho Ranger Gigan by punching him in the head. Refusing to give up, Psycho Ranger SpaceGodzilla summoned crystal projectiles, impaling the Kaiju Megazord while Psycho Ranger Destoroyah also utilized its beam weapon against them. The Kaiju Power Rangers called upon the Kaiju Power Sword to help even the odds, using the blade in an attempt to fight off the Psycho Rangers as they closed in.
Despite their best efforts, the team was still overwhelmed and outmatched by their six opponents until the Green Ranger arrived with the Green Godzilla Kaiju Zord, saving the Kaiju Megazord by stomping on several of the Kaiju Psycho Rangers and allowing the machine to use the Kaiju Power Sword to slice through Psycho Ranger Gigan. With the two Zords reunited, they released their excess kaiju energies using the Monster Storm ability, allowing the kaiju that created them to physically manifest in battle. Mothra, Rodan, Anguirus, King Caesar, and Baragon wasted no time in attacking their foes while Godzilla and his Zord counterpart annihilated Psycho Ranger SpaceGodzilla and Psycho Ranger Megalon with their beam weapons. One by one, the Kaiju Psycho Rangers fell, releasing the energy they stole from King Ghidorah, Destoroyah, SpaceGodzilla, Megalon, Gigan, and Hedorah in the process. With the Kaiju Psycho Rangers finally defeated for good, Jet Jaguar used the Multiversal Focus fragment to send the kaiju energies back to their respective universes.
Psycho Ranger King Ghidorah
Psycho Ranger King Ghidorah was created by siphoning energy from King Ghidorah and transferring it into Psycho Yellow. She can fire powerful lightning bolts in addition to possessing the power of flight.
Psycho Ranger Destoroyah
Psycho Ranger Destoroyah was created by siphoning energy from Destoroyah and transferring it into Psycho Red. He can generate various beam weapons from his head and hands in addition to the power of flight.
Psycho Ranger Megalon
Psycho Ranger Megalon was created by siphoning energy from Megalon and transferring it to Psycho Black. He can spit explosive Geothermal Napalm bombs in addition to possessing drill-tipped arms.
Psycho Ranger Gigan
Psycho Ranger Gigan was created by siphoning energy from Gigan and transferring it to Psycho Green. He can fire a laser beam out of his eye in addition to sporting deadly scythe-like claws on the sides of his arms.
Psycho Ranger Hedorah
Psycho Ranger Hedorah was created by siphoning energy from Hedorah and transferring it to Psycho Pink. Her body is composed of an acidic sludge that she can use to smother opponents.
Psycho Ranger SpaceGodzilla
Psycho Ranger SpaceGodzilla was created by siphoning energy from SpaceGodzilla and transferring it to Psycho Blue. He possesses telekinetic abilities that allow him to summon crystals from the Earth and use them as weapons, in addition to being able to generate forcefields.
Psycho Ranger King Ghidorah, Psycho Ranger Destoroyah, and Psycho Ranger Hedorah were able to fly.
Energy Beams/Lasers
Several of the Kaiju Psycho Rangers utilized beam weapons derived from the kaiju they stole their powers from. Psycho Ranger King Ghidorah boasted powerful beams similar to King Ghidorah's Gravity Beams while Psycho Ranger Gigan used a laser beam similar to Gigan's. Psycho Ranger Destoroyah employed a beam weapon similar to Destoroyah's Oxygen Destroyer Ray.
Hand slicers
Similar to Destoroyah's Variable Slicer, Psycho Ranger Destoroyah was able to slice into Godzilla using energy katanas generated from his hands.
Drill arms
Psycho Ranger Megalon made use of drill-tipped arms similar to Megalon's.
Geothermal Napalm
Psycho Ranger Megalon is able to generate and spit Geothermal Napalm, which he used to damage the Dragonzord.
Psycho Ranger SpaceGodzilla utilized SpaceGodzilla's crystal-generation abilities and frequently employed crystals against his foes.
Psycho Ranger SpaceGodzilla had the ability to generate protective forcefields similar to SpaceGodzilla's Photon Reactive Shield to defend himself from his foes.
Like Hedorah, Psycho Ranger Hedorah made extensive use of lobbing corrosive sludge against her opponents or even simply using her corrosive skin to smother opponents.
While harvesting the abilities of kaiju, several of the Psycho Kaiju Rangers were seen with their weapons, such as Psycho Blue wielding the Psycho Axe against SpaceGodzilla. However, they abandoned their weapons and relied on their new powers to battle the Power Rangers.
Physical abilities
The Kaiju Psycho Rangers frequently utilized their claws, spikes, and horns in combat, slicing into Godzilla, Mothra, and the various Zords. Psycho Ranger Gigan stomped on the Tigerzord to great effect and Psycho Ranger Megalon similarly damaged the Dragonzord with a powerful kick.
While the Kaiju Psycho Rangers were typically able to overwhelm foes by outnumbering them, they fell rather quickly when faced with an army of numbers greater than their own when Godzilla, Mothra, Rodan, Anguirus, King Caesar, Baragon, teamed up with the Tigerzord, Kaiju Megazord, and Green Godzilla Kaiju Zord.
Concept art
Psycho Ranger Monster Red Destoroyah
Psycho Ranger Monster Pink Hedorah
Psycho Ranger Monster Yellow King Ghidorah
Psycho Ranger Monster Green Gigan
Psycho Ranger Monster Blue SpaceGodzilla
Psycho Ranger Monster Black Megalon
- Upon being introduced in the first issue, Psycho Ranger King Ghidorah is shown to be only as tall as Rita Repulsa, but all of the Kaiju Psycho Rangers are kaiju-sized when they appear in the second issue and throughout the rest of the series. It is unknown if they naturally possessed the ability to change sizes at will or if Rita used her Magic Wand to make them grow, as is often the case with her own monsters.
- The original spelling of the King Ghidorah/Psycho Ranger hybrid, Psycho Ranger Ghidora, is reminiscent of the Dora Monsters from Kyoryu Sentai Zyuranger. Whether this was intentional or not is unknown, especially since the name's spelling is inconsistent.
- Psycho Ranger King Ghidorah's design is somewhat similar to Mecha-King Ghidorah, as her center head is predominantly grey/white while the other two heads on her shoulders remain gold. However, this is most likely a remnant of her original monster design, which also featured a white head atop a predominantly gold and black body.
- The original Psycho Rangers did not have a green member within their debut; Psycho Green was previously introduced in the BOOM! Studios Mighty Morphin Power Rangers comic series. Psycho Green himself does not appear within this series itself, nor any of the variant covers that feature all five of the remaining Psycho Rangers, though concept art identifies him with the color green, indicating that he is the same character. Additionally, his Gigan-infused kaiju counterpart resembles Psycho Green's monster form, complete with the fire-like green energy that he exudes.
- The monsters King Ghidorah, Gigan, and Megalon were each featured in the previous series, while SpaceGodzilla and Hedorah also made single-panel cameo appearances in both series. Destoroyah is the only monster to have not appeared in either series despite having a Psycho Ranger fusion and namesake present, though his energy manifestation briefly appears alongside the rest of the kaiju used to created the Kaiju Psycho Rangers in the fifth issue.
External Links
This is a list of references for Kaiju Psycho Rangers. These citations are used to identify the reliable sources on which this article is based. These references appear inside articles in the form of superscript numbers, which look like this: [1]
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