Kaiju Power Rangers

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Kaiju Power Rangers
The Kaiju Power Rangers in Godzilla vs. The Mighty Morphin Power Rangers II #3
The Green Kaiju Power Ranger in Godzilla vs. The Mighty Morphin Power Rangers II #3
Members First team: Red Ranger, Blue Ranger, Black Ranger, Yellow Ranger, Pink Ranger, Green Ranger
Second team: Unidentified alternate-universe Power Rangers
Species Human
Aliases Kaiju Rangers, Power Rangers
Allies White Ranger, Zordon, Alpha 5, Elias, Goro Ibuki, Jet Jaguar, Godzilla, Mothra, Rodan, Anguirus, Baragon, King Caesar
Enemies Kaiju Psycho Rangers, Rita Repulsa, Astronema, Goldar, Rita's monsters
First appearance Latest appearance
Godzilla vs. The
Mighty Morphin Power
Rangers II
Godzilla vs. The
Mighty Morphin Power
Rangers II
Keep it together team! The Psycho Rangers might be tough... but they haven't faced the Kaiju Rangers!

Red Ranger (Godzilla vs. The Mighty Morphin Power Rangers II)

The Kaiju Power Rangers, also known simply as the Kaiju Rangers, are a superhero team that appeared in the 2024 IDW Publishing and BOOM! Studios crossover comic series Godzilla vs. The Mighty Morphin Power Rangers II. The team was created when the Power Rangers combined their abilities with those of Godzilla and his fellow kaiju from across the Multiverse.

After Rita Repulsa and Astronema created the Kaiju Psycho Rangers by siphoning the energies of Godzilla's most powerful foes across the Multiverse, the Power Rangers and their allies found themselves severely outmatched. In response, Goro Ibuki, Jet Jaguar, Zordon, Alpha 5, and the Elias helped create the Kaiju Power Coins, imbuing the Power Rangers with the powers and abilities of various kaiju from Godzilla's universe, including Rodan, Mothra, Anguirus, King Caesar, Baragon, and Godzilla himself, resulting in the creation of the Kaiju Power Rangers and the Kaiju Zords. Using the Kaiju Zords and the separate Green Godzilla Kaiju Zord, the Kaiju Power Rangers fought an army of Rita's monsters before taking on the Kaiju Psycho Rangers in a battle for the fate of the Multiverse.


The official synopsis for the fourth issue of the series identifies the group as the Kaiju Power Rangers. Concept art and dialogue within the series refers to them simply as the Kaiju Rangers.

For the individual members, concept art identifies the Rangers using both their colors and their kaiju namesakes, giving them the full names of Red Rodan Kaiju Ranger, Pink Mothra Kaiju Ranger, Yellow Baragon Kaiju Ranger, Green Godzilla Kaiju Ranger, Blue Anguirus Kaiju Ranger, and Black King Caesar Kaiju Ranger.


The Kaiju Power Rangers were designed by Freddie Williams II, the artist behind the first series, based on "brief notes" written by series author Cullen Bunn.[1][2]


Each Kaiju Power Ranger incorporates elements of their kaiju namesakes into their costume to resemble humanoid kaiju. The Red Rodan Kaiju Ranger sports Rodan's horns on his helmet and wings on his back; the Pink Mothra Kaiju Ranger includes Mothra wings on her helmet in addition to wings on her back and a large, Mothra-like eye pattern on the sides of her helmet; the Yellow Baragon Kaiju Ranger features Baragon's large ears and forehead horn on her helmet; the Blue Anguirus Kaiju Ranger sports Anguirus's crest of horns and nasal horn atop his head alongside a spiked carapace and spiked shoulder pads; the Black King Caesar Kaiju Ranger features gold elements resembling King Caesar's ears at the sides of his helmet alongside King Caesar's crown-like spikes atop his head; and the Green Godzilla Kaiju Ranger includes a Godzilla-like helmet and Godzilla's dorsal fins running down his back.


The Kaiju Power Rangers gained their abilities from the Kaiju Power Coins, which were created by combining Goro Ibuki's tech, Zordon's wizardry, and the Elias's magic with the energies of kaiju from across the Multiverse, including Godzilla, Rodan, Mothra, Anguirus, King Caesar, and Baragon.


Issue #3

Having been chased throughout the Multiverse by Rita Repulsa and Astronema's powerful creations known as the Kaiju Psycho Rangers, the Power Rangers and their allies found themselves in need of a new plan to help even the playing field and give themselves a fighting chance against their powerful adversaries. Goro Ibuki suggested using Jet Jaguar to harness the energy of other powerful kaiju from across the Multiverse, including Rodan, Mothra, Anguirus, King Caesar, and Baragon. With the help of Zordon and the Elias, the allies of the Power Rangers were able to convert the harnessed energy into the Kaiju Power Coins, giving rise to the Kaiju Power Rangers and their Kaiju Zords.

Issue #4

The newly-formed Kaiju Power Rangers wasted no time in engaging their foes, using their new kaiju powers to effortlessly plow right through the army of Rita Repulsa's monsters, who were barely able to slow the new team down. Each Kaiju Power Ranger utilized their own techniques, with the Red Ranger dive-bombing opponents, the Pink Ranger using her Power Bow, the Blue and Yellow Rangers using their burrowing abilities to sneak up on foes from beneath them, and the Black Ranger reflecting his adversaries' energy blasts back at them. Meanwhile, aboard the Dark Fortress orbiting the Earth, the Green Ranger used his new Godzilla abilities to rescue the White Ranger and Jet Jaguar from Goldar. As Jet Jaguar and the White Ranger attempted to fend Goldar off, the Green Ranger fired an energy blast similar to Godzilla's own atomic breath, sending Goldar flying into the wall and rendering him incapacitated. After discovering the location of other Power Rangers teams that had been imprisoned aboard the space station, the group realized that they needed a distraction, with the Green Ranger swiftly summoning the Green Godzilla Kaiju Zord to wreak havoc over the Dark Fortress.

Back on the surface, the other five Kaiju Power Rangers combined their weapons to generate the Kaiju Power Blaster, which made short work of most of the remaining monsters. In response, Rita used her Magic Wand to increase the size of her creations, prompting the team to summon their equally-ginormous Kaiju Zords. The team members used their respective Zords to finish off and defeat most of the remaining army, though they were soon greeted by the Kaiju Psycho Rangers, who finally tracked the group down through the Multiverse. The Red Ranger promptly called for the Kaiju Zords to link up, creating the Kaiju Megazord.

Issue #5

The Kaiju Power Rangers in the Kaiju Megazord's cockpit

Within the cockpit of the Kaiju Megazord, the Kaiju Power Rangers attempted to fight off the Kaiju Psycho Rangers as best they could, using the King Caesar Shield to deflect their opponents' energy blasts, though they were still overwhelmed by facing six opponents at once. After Psycho Ranger Destoroyah and Psycho Ranger SpaceGodzilla damaged the Zord further, the team called upon the Kaiju Power Sword, using it in an attempt to fend off the lot. Fortunately, the Power Rangers' allies aboard the Dark Fortress were able to send Rita and Astronema into retreat thanks in part to the distraction of the Green Ranger's actions, allowing them to rescue the captive Power Rangers teams. The Green Ranger then joined the rest of the team on the surface, saving the Kaiju Megazord in the process. With the two Zords reunited, they released their excess kaiju energies using the Monster Storm ability, allowing the kaiju that created them to physically manifest in battle. Working together, the Power Rangers and the kaiju defeated the Kaiju Psycho Rangers for good, saving the Multiverse from further destruction while Jet Jaguar used the Multiversal Focus to send the kaiju back to their own universes.

In the aftermath, the Elias and Zordon bestowed the Kaiju Power Coins upon another group of Power Rangers from another universe whose Power Coins were drained by Rita Repulsa, allowing them to continue protecting their own universe.


Red Rodan Kaiju Ranger

The Red Rodan Kaiju Ranger is Jason Lee Scott infused with the powers of Rodan. In addition to boasting the power of flight, he can summon the Red Rodan Kaiju Zord.

Pink Mothra Kaiju Ranger

The Pink Mothra Kaiju Ranger is Kimberly Ann Hart infused with the powers of Mothra. In addition to boasting the power of flight, she can summon the Pink Mothra Kaiju Zord.

Yellow Baragon Kaiju Ranger

The Yellow Baragon Kaiju Ranger is Trini Kwan infused with the powers of Baragon. In addition to burrowing abilities, she can summon the Yellow Baragon Kaiju Zord.

Green Godzilla Kaiju Ranger

The Green Godzilla Kaiju Ranger is Tommy Oliver infused with the powers of Godzilla. In addition to being able to replicate Godzilla's atomic breath, he can summon the Green Godzilla Kaiju Zord.

Blue Anguirus Kaiju Ranger

The Blue Anguirus Kaiju Ranger is Billy Cranston infused with the powers of Anguirus. In addition to burrowing abilities, he can summon the Blue Anguirus Kaiju Zord.

Black King Caesar Kaiju Ranger

The Black King Caesar Kaiju Ranger is Zack Taylor infused with the powers of King Caesar. In addition to being able to reflect energy beams back at his opponents, he can summon the Black King Caesar Kaiju Zord.


Kaiju Zords

Like most Power Rangers teams, the Kaiju Power Rangers are able to summon their own variety of Zords - the Kaiju Zords, and in the case of the Green Ranger, the Green Godzilla Kaiju Zord. The Red, Blue, Yellow, Black, and Pink Kaiju Power Rangers were also able to combine their Zords to create the Kaiju Megazord.


The Kaiju Power Blaster

The Kaiju Power Rangers sport an assortment of weaponry, including the Power Sword, Power Axe, Power Lance, Power Daggers, Power Bow, and Dragon Dagger.

The Pink Ranger made extensive use of the Power Bow, which was capable of firing energy blasts as a result of being infused with Mothra's energy. The Black Ranger's Power Axe was also notable for being fused with King Caesar's energy, giving it the unique ability of absorbing energy blasts and redirecting the energy back at opponents.

Much like their original counterparts were able to do, the Kaiju Power Rangers were able to combine their weapons into one, creating the Kaiju Power Blaster. The weapon combined the energies of all five Kaiju Power Rangers and fired five powerful lasers capable of defeating multiple foes in an instant.


Like their kaiju namesakes, the Red Rodan Kaiju Ranger and the Pink Mothra Kaiju Ranger are capable of flight.

The Green Ranger's energy blast

Energy Beam

The Green Ranger possesses the unique ability of firing a blast of energy out of his head to mimic Godzilla's own atomic breath.


Like their kaiju namesakes, the Blue Anguirus Kaiju Ranger and Yellow Baragon Kaiju Ranger are capable of burrowing into the Earth and surprising their foes from underground.


Concept art




  • While not established in the comic's continuity, the monsters used to create the Kaiju Power Rangers and Kaiju Zords were all allies of Godzilla in the Showa era.
  • The Black Kaiju Ranger's Power Axe bears some similarities to Kong's battle axe from the Monsterverse, being an axe capable of absorbing energy blasts. However, as it is infused with King Caesar's powers, it uniquely reflects this energy back at its opponents.

External Links


This is a list of references for Kaiju Power Rangers. These citations are used to identify the reliable sources on which this article is based. These references appear inside articles in the form of superscript numbers, which look like this: [1]

  1. Frank, Matt (22 April 2024). "The Kaiju Rangers were designed by Freddie Williams II, so you'd have to ask him". X.
  2. "Kaiju Rangers! See Every 'Godzilla vs. The Mighty Morphin Power Rangers II' Design". Godzilla.com. 3 May 2024.


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