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Mutants in Godzilla Final Wars
Leader Kumasaka
Homeworld Earth
Allies Humans, Xiliens (temporarily)
Enemies Kaiju (Ebirah, etc.), Xiliens
First appearance Godzilla Final Wars
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The Mutants (ミュータント,   Myūtanto) are the genetic descendents of both humans and Xiliens. They were trained as a form of highly elite soldiers by the EDF under Commander Kumasaka. In Godzilla Final Wars, all but Shinichi Ozaki (and later Katsunori Kazama) fell under the control of the Xilien Controller. The most notable Mutant is Ozaki, who used his Keizer Energy to empower Godzilla.


Millennium era

Godzilla Final Wars

To be added.


Super strength

Mutants possess super strength.

Extraordinary jumps

Mutants are able to leap to great heights.

Quick reflexes

Mutants have quick reflexes.



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