Batragon is a giant mutant monster who first appeared in the fourth issue of the 1977-1979 Marvel comic series Godzilla.
The mad scientist Dr. Demonicus created Batragon by exposing a bat and a Komodo dragon to a meteorite known as the Lifestone. Alongside fellow Lifestone-mutated monsters Ghilaron, Lepirax, and Centipor, Batragon was contained in a facility within a dormant volcano on one of the Aleutian Islands. The monster attacked oil tankers in the North Pacific to procure oil for his master until encountering Godzilla, who overpowered the flying beast during their first encounter. While Batragon fled back to his island home, Godzilla followed and swiftly attacked Dr. Demonicus's base.
Batragon was one of four monsters created by Dr. Demonicus, a geneticist driven mad after being exposed to a radiation spill, along with Ghilaron, Lepirax, and Centipor. After obtaining a radioactive meteorite he called the Lifestone, Demonicus subjected the tissues of various lifeforms to the meteorite (in the case of Batragon, a bat and a Komodo dragon) and extracted hormones made from the altered cells. He then injected this tissue back into their original donors before exposing them to the Lifestone again, mutating the subjects into gigantic monstrosities.
- Godzilla #4-5 (1977)
"Godzilla Versus Batragon!"
First appearing in the North Pacific, attacking oil tankers, Batragon was the first of the mutant creations of the mad villain Dr. Demonicus and was used to cripple oil tankers so that his mercenary Demon-Soldiers might bring the oil back to their leader. However, on one of these missions, Batragon ran afoul of Godzilla and was forced to retreat back to Dr. Demonicus' base on one of the Aleutian Islands after a brief battle.
Godzilla followed the injured monster and arrived on the island to continue their contest. Filled with new strength from the Lifestone and seething with a desire for revenge, Batragon actually succeeded in breaking through the energy force field that was maintained by Demonicus to keep his monsters caged in the crater of a dormant volcano. Shocked by his passage through the force field, Batragon nonetheless attacked Godzilla, savaging the reptile with fang and claw, causing the titanic reptile to lose his footing on the mountain slope; however, Godzilla managed to lock Batragon in his grasp before both of them fell towards the ground. As soon as the two made their impact on the ground, Godzilla immediately retaliated with a burst of frenzied strength and quickly smashed the bat/Komodo dragon hybrid monster underfoot, crushing the life from the mutant monster and burning him to ash with his radioactive fire breath for good measure.
"The Isle of Lost Monsters"
Though Batragon had perished, Dr. Demonicus made use of his other monsters - Ghilaron, Lepirax, and Centipor - and employed them against Godzilla and S.H.I.E.L.D. forces. While contending against S.H.I.E.L.D. agent Gabe Jones, Dr. Demonicus detailed his origin story and his creation of Batragon. By exposing a bat and a Komodo dragon to the radiation of the strange meteorite that he dubbed the "Lifestone", Dr. Demonicus created Batragon as a living weapon in his vendetta against the world and had hoped to use the beast in his conquest of the world. However, Godzilla promptly ended these plans.
Batragon is a nimble and capable flyer, able even to dodge Godzilla's fiery breath and fast enough to strike ships at sea before appearing on their radar.
Physical abilities
Batragon possesses savage claws and fangs which can rend flesh from bone.
The thick warty hide of Batragon also provides him some protection against physical damage.
Batragon is dependent on the radiation of the meteor known as the Lifestone, and must return to it frequently to replenish his strength. Batragon also displays a weakness to electricity, being kept caged by a force field of crackling energy when not allowed to roam free by Dr. Demonicus.
- Batragon is the first named monster to battle Godzilla in Marvel Comics's Godzilla comic run and holds the additional distinction of being the first named original Godzilla monster to originate from an American comic. However, flashbacks in previous issues depicted Godzilla battling various unnamed monsters in Japan in the past.
- Batragon was mentioned by name in Shogun Warriors #13, which also featured Dr. Demonicus.
- Batragon is listed as one of the monsters Dr. Demonicus can summon in the collectible miniatures game HeroClix, in which he appears as a token. He is considered a "bystander" in the game – a character that does not have a figure or combat dial, though a picture of the monster appears on Dr. Demonicus' card.
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