Red Ronin
Red Ronin is a giant samurai mecha created by Marvel Comics that first appeared in issue #6 of the 1977-1979 Marvel comic book series Godzilla.
Selected history
- Godzilla #6-15, 17 (1977-1978)
Red Ronin, known at the time under the codename "SJ3 RX," was originally designed by scientist Yuriko Takiguchi, and developed with assistance from engineer Tamara Hashioka and technicians from Stark International. The colossal mecha was originally built with the intention of being sent to S.H.I.E.L.D. for use against Godzilla. This all changed, however, when it was stolen by Dr. Takiguchi's 12-year-old grandson Robert, who ultimately bestowed the name Red Ronin upon the machine. After a failed attempt to control the robot, Rob eventually succeeded in piloting Red Ronin into battle with Godzilla in an attempt to drive the beast off. Rob wished to prevent the monster from being harmed, and his attempts to ward the monster off were carefully executed in order to keep it safe, ultimately succeeding in doing so. It was later discovered that Ronin had been imprinted with Rob's brain patterns, making the robot unusable unless it was piloted by him. Rob utilized Red Ronin in a few more instances after this, aiding Godzilla in battles against creatures such as Yetrigar and the Mega-Monsters (Triax, Rhiahn, and Krollar). During the second battle, Rhiahn managed to decapitate Red Ronin with the Anterior Bio-Blade on its tail, rendering it inactive.
Red Ronin is capable of flight at subsonic speeds, due to atomic propulsion units installed in its legs.[1]
Running speed
Red Ronin can run immensely fast, reaching speeds of up to 45 miles per hour, or about 72.42 kilometers per hour.[1]
Solar Blade
Red Ronin is armed with a magnetic, field-guided, hydrogen fusion blade known as the Solar Blade, which is stored on its shield.[1]
Power Blaster
Red Ronin's left hand gauntlet can be converted into a short-pulse electron beam projector, simply known as the Power Blaster.[1]
Gatling Laser Device
Mounted on its shield, Red Ronin is armed with a high-powered ultraviolet Gatling laser gun, simply referred to as the Gatling Laser Device.[1] The Gatling Laser Device can also generate great heat, be used as a cutting device, and fire blasts of concussive force.
Although never utilized in the comics themselves, the cover art for issue #8 of Godzilla shows Red Ronin seemingly charging its left fist with some type of energy.
Physical abilities
Red Ronin's outer shell is composed of stainless steel,[1] and is highly durable, able to shrug off temperature extremes, high falls, powerful impacts, and even a blast from Godzilla's atomic breath.
Red Ronin possesses immense strength, with a lift capacity of 30 tons, or 7 tons at its arms' length.[1]
Guidance system
Red Ronin's guidance system is mechanical gyroscopic, with the LORAN C navigation satellite.[1]
Performance capacity
Red Ronin's practical performance capacity is electromechanical, with computer aided proportionately scaled-up human reflexes.[1]
Defensive capabilities
Red Ronin's Gatling Laser Device is detachable, and can function as a rotary homing device.[1]
Magnetic Defense Fields
Located in its shoulder, Red Ronin is equipped with a Magnetic Defense Field Generator which is, as its name implies, capable of creating Magnetic Defense Fields.[1]
Magneclamp Cables
Red Ronin can release Magnaclamp Cables from its boot units, which are strong enough to hold and support a being as massive as Godzilla himself.
Red Ronin's anatomy from The Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe (vol. 2) #10
- Godzilla would team up with another samurai-based mecha close to five decades later, in the form of the Green Lantern Robo from Justice League vs. Godzilla vs. Kong.
External links
This is a list of references for Red Ronin. These citations are used to identify the reliable sources on which this article is based. These references appear inside articles in the form of superscript numbers, which look like this: [1]
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