Rhiahn is a giant alien monster who first appeared in the twelfth issue of the 1977-1979 Marvel comic series Godzilla.
One of the great Mega-Monsters, Rhiahn was sent to Earth alongside its brethren Triax and Krollar to plunder the planet for its resources at the behest of their masters, an alien race known as the Megans. However, the alien monsters were forced to contend with Godzilla and Red Ronin before the Megans' invasion could begin.
Rhiahn is an unusual creature with a large, disc-shaped head with huge jaws. He has yellowish-green skin and clawed hands. Rhiahn is capable of both bipedal and quadrupedal stances, alternating between them to best suit the battle he is currently involved in. Rhiahn also has a set of blades on his back called "Bio-Blades", that allow him to fly and can also be used as weapons.
Alongside the other Mega-Monsters, Rhiahn was captured from an unknown alien world and used as a war-monster in a centuries-long conflict between the Megan aliens and their sworn enemies, the Betans. The Megans made various "biomech genetic alterations" to their war-monsters, giving them additional powers and weapons. With the war exhausting the Megans' resources, they sent Rhiahn and two other war-monsters to Earth to plunder the planet for its resources.
- Godzilla #12-14 (1978)
"The Mega-Monsters from Beyond! Part One: The Beta-Beast!"
After Godzilla defeated the Beta-Beast, the Betan aliens told Godzilla of their history, explaining that for centuries their people have been at war with another race known as the Megans and that both sides often employed giant war-monsters in conflict. Though both sides have suffered heavy losses, the Betans were on the brink of defeat. The Megans, having exhausted their resources, were preparing to plunder Earth for its own resources which, in addition to conquering Earth, would provide them with the means of defeating the Betans once and for all. The Megans sent the Mega-Monsters, a trio of their strongest war-monsters, to accomplish this goal. The Betans pleaded with Godzilla to protect Earth and defeat the Mega-Monsters.
"The Mega-Monsters from Beyond! Part II: Triax"
After their first Mega-Monster - Triax - was overwhelmed by the combined might of Godzilla and Red Ronin, the Megans sent Rhiahn and Krollar into battle. Rhiahn attempted to lift Godzilla into the air in its maw, though Godzilla freed himself and bathed the monster in flames. Rhiahn then concentrated its efforts on Red Ronin, who struggled to keep the bizarre monster at bay. Soon, Rhiahn managed to decapitate Red Ronin just before the Megans fired an "Energex-Ray" at their monsters, increasing their strength tenfold as well as their size, as the three alien monstrosities loomed over Godzilla, now alone in the fight.
"Mega-Monsters Part III: The Super-Beasts"
Krollar absorbed and spit buildings at Godzilla before Rhiahn attempted to continue the attack, only to be swatted away by Godzilla's tail. Witnessing Godzilla's struggle against the seemingly unstoppable trio, S.H.I.E.L.D. agents Dum Dum Dugan and Gabe Jones decided to join the fray. Jones distracted Triax while Dugan distracted Rhiahn, allowing Godzilla to concentrate on one monster at a time, beginning with Krollar. The strategy proved effective, as Godzilla was able to kill both Krollar and Triax. As Rhiahn attacked Dugan's craft, Godzilla attacked the flying beast from behind and saved Dugan's life. Godzilla then forcibly grabbed Rhiahn and used its own Bio-Blades to sever its head, defeating the last of the Mega-Monsters.
Anterior Bio-Blades
Rhiahn can use his rotor blade-like tails to fly, referred to as Anterior Bio-Blades or Anterior Biomech-Blade. He is first shown using them to evade Triax, after the latter was thrown at him by Red Ronin. Rhiahn also tends to use his flight in order to lift opponents in the air while biting down on them, attempting to do so with Godzilla and succeeding temporarily with Red Ronin. These blades can also be used offensively, as demonstrated when Rhiahn decapitated Red Ronin and attempted to do the same to Godzilla.
Physical abilities
Rhiahn's possesses massive jaws that were often used to clamp down onto foes, and talons on the end of his hands. While fighting Godzilla, Rhiahn bit down on the reptilian's neck and head, and attempted to lift him into the air but was forced to let go after being hit with Godzilla's radioactive flames. He did the same tactic with Red Ronin, biting on the mecha's right shoulder and succeeded in lifting him off the ground briefly, before grappling with him and clamping down on his left hand. Rhiahn then grabbed the mecha from behind to restrain him, so that he could use his Bio-Blades to decapitate the robot. While Godzilla was preoccupied with Krollar, Rhiahn slammed his talons into the reptilian's shoulders, causing Godzilla to roar in pain. He was able to snatch Dugan's aircraft out of the with his hands, and attempted to bisect it with his teeth. After his comrades were killed, Rhiahn pierced into Godzilla's neck with his teeth as a last resort, earning a roar of pain from him.
While trying to lift Godzilla into the air, Rhiahn continued to clamp down on him even after Godzilla bit down on one of his legs, only releasing the reptilian after being blasted by his radioactive flames. He was able to shrug off another blast of Godzilla's blasts when lifting Red Ronin into the air. He was briefly taken out of the fight when Godzilla tail whipped him out of the air, before rejoining his fellow Mega-Monsters. While fighting Godzilla on his own, Rhiahn endured another blast of Godzilla's radioactive flames, and being slammed into the ground, before finally being killed after Godzilla forced Rhiahn's Bio-Blades into decapitating the alien. Like the other Mega-Monsters, Rhiahn can survive in space.
- After being struck by the Megan's Energex-Ray, all three Mega-Monsters dramatically increase in size and utterly dwarf Godzilla. However, when Godzilla subsequently engages them again mere pages later, all three seem to have reverted to their previous sizes and are never shown at an increased size again.
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