"Kong is King"

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"Kong is King"
Kong is King
Author(s) Welles Hartley
Art by Dustin Weaver
Colors by Michael Atiyeh
Cover by Dustin Weaver
Letters by Michael David Thomas
Publisher Dark Horse
Publish date 2005

"Kong is King" is the name of a comic story published by Dark Horse and packaged with toys from Playmates' 2005 toyline based on the King Kong remake released the same year. It was scripted by Welles Hartley and illustrated by Dustin Weaver.


In the days preceding the arrival of the Venture, Skull Island stands undisturbed, as it has for the last 200 million years. Near the foot of the island's great wall, a hadrosaur grazes before being disturbed by a passing herd of Brontosaurus. The forager and another of its kind flee to avoid being crushed underfoot, because the rule of life on Skull Island is to avoid whatever is bigger than you. Some birds fly away from the passing Brontosauruses, unaware of the threat lurking in the brush. Two Venatosauruses leap from the shadows at the Brontosauruses, but one falls down. Two others watch in confusion as the herbivores flee before being attacked from behind by a Vastatosaurus rex, the dominant reptile species on the island, willing to fight to the death to meet its ends. It roars into the air, but another creature roars back, the only thing capable of challenging the rexes: Kong. Kong rushes the beast, every bit its equal in size and strength, and knocks it to the ground. Kong has had many years of experience, and knows that brute force alone won't secure him a victory. He grabs a fallen tree from the jungle floor, and pummels the V-Rex with it until it stops moving, cementing his place as the island's apex predator. However, as this happens, the tramp steamer Venture is rapidly approaching, bringing with it a challenge even Kong may not be able to best.






  • The art for this comic was completed by Dustin Weaver on short notice in a matter of days.[1]


This is a list of references for Kong is King. These citations are used to identify the reliable sources on which this article is based. These references appear inside articles in the form of superscript numbers, which look like this: [1]

  1. Weaver, Dustin (22 August 2024). "Entry 294: Blast From the Past - Part 25". Dustin Weaver.


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