The Great Yokai War: Guardians (manga)
The Great Yokai War: Guardians (妖怪大戦争 ガーディアンズ is an ongoing manga illustrated by Sanami Suzuki and based on the Yōkai Daisensō Gādianzu)film of the same name written by Yusuke Watanabe. The manga began being serialized by Kadokawa in Monthly Shonen Ace on December 26, 2020.[3] The first four chapters were collected in paperback form on April 26, 2021,[1] and the next four on August 10.[2]
- "Kei and Dai" (ケイとダイ) - published December 26, 2020[3]
- "The Child of the House With No Gable" (破風なき家の子) - published January 26, 2021[4]
- "The Fox and the Tanuki" (狸と狐) - published February 26, 2021[5]
- "True Courage" (まことの勇気) - published March 26, 2021[6]
- "The World of Yokai" (妖怪の世界) - published April 26, 2021[7]
- "Watanabe no Tsuna" (渡辺綱) - published May 26, 2021[8]
- "Attack of the Devil" (悪鬼襲来) - published June 25, 2021
- "Awakening" (覚醒) - published July 26, 2021
- "Rebirth and Destruction" (復活と破壊) - published August 26, 2021
- "Starting Over" (再開) - published October 26, 2021
“I knew that『plot』wasn't up to much.” This plot synopsis is missing or incomplete. Please help by editing this section. |
Chapter 1To be added. Chapter 2To be added. Chapter 3To be added. Chapter 4To be added. Chapter 5To be added. |
Chapter 6To be added. Chapter 7To be added. Chapter 8To be added. Chapter 9To be added. Chapter 10To be added. |
Differences from the film
To be added.
Monsters and yokai
CharactersWeapons and vehicles
This is a list of references for The Great Yokai War: Guardians (manga). These citations are used to identify the reliable sources on which this article is based. These references appear inside articles in the form of superscript numbers, which look like this: [1]
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