Godzilla vs. Marvel (2025-)

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This article concerns an upcoming subject, and will be updated with new information as it arises.

Godzilla vs. Marvel is an upcoming series of six one-shot comic books from Marvel Comics. Each issue will take place in a different time period and feature Godzilla and other Toho kaiju crossing over with Marvel's most prominent superheroes: the Fantastic Four, the Hulk, Spider-Man, the X-Men, and Thor. It will debut with Godzilla vs. Fantastic Four, written by Ryan North and illustrated by John Romita Jr., in March 2025. The series will mark Marvel's first new Godzilla comic since Godzilla #24 from 1979, the first appearance of Godzilla in the Marvel Multiverse since 2007's Mighty Avengers #1, and the first-ever appearance of another Toho monster in any Marvel comic.



Godzilla vs. Marvel was exclusively announced by The Hollywood Reporter on December 12, 2024. Marvel had been in talks with Toho about the crossover for years prior.[1]





See also


This is a list of references for Godzilla vs. Marvel. These citations are used to identify the reliable sources on which this article is based. These references appear inside articles in the form of superscript numbers, which look like this: [1]

  1. Couch, Aaron (12 December 2024). "Marvel Comics Sets Godzilla Crossover Event for 2025 (Exclusive)". The Hollywood Reporter.


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