Godzilla: Kingdom of Monsters #5

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Godzilla: Kingdom of Monsters
Issue #4
Issue #5
Issue #6
Godzilla: Kingdom of Monsters #5
Cover A of issue #5 by Eric Powell
Written by Eric Powell, Tracy Marsh
Art by Victor Santos
Colors by Ronda Pattison
Letters by Chris Mowry
Edits by Carlos Guzman, Chris Ryall
Creative Consultant Chris Mowry
Sales 13,750[1]
Godzilla: Kingdom of Monsters

Godzilla: Kingdom of Monsters #5 is an IDW comic book. It was released on July 27, 2011.


After last issue's momentous tussle of giants, it's now painfully clear that Armageddon has descended on the human race. The government's bungled attempts to thwart the giant monsters have left an infrastructure in ruin and a nomad society desperately struggling to survive. And also...GIANT MONSTER FIGHTS! Destruction abounds in this issue of Godzilla: Kingdom of Monsters, featuring new artist Victor Dos Santos!


While Rodan attacks Russia, Godzilla defeats Anguirus in Los Angeles and walks away. In the White House, President Ogden allows a missile with a poisonous gas to be shot at the weakened Anguirus to kill him. In Pasadena, California, the family of a little girl named Allie get in their van and try evacuating. At the Louvre, Minette and Mallory steal real monarch treasures and go to show Battra, who's pupating in a cocoon around the Eiffel Tower. In Los Angeles, two survivors find Girly Yaya's corpse as jets arrive and launch poisonous gas missiles at Anguirus. The survivors get killed by the gas, but Anguirus avoids the gas by merely standing up. In Frankfurt, Germany, the German military tries firing a lightweight poisonous gas at Rodan to kill him. However, Rodan simply flaps his wings and blows the gas down into the ground, killing the soldiers. Just outside Pasadena, California, Allie and her family are in a traffic jam when people start stealing their food and water. Allie's father gets into a fight with the thieves as Godzilla arrives and kills almost everyone on the road. The next morning, Steven Woods walks down the same road, finds Allie and takes her with him.



Weapons, vehicles, and races

  • U.S. military
  • German military







  • In this issue, President Ogden's full name is revealed: Babak Khan Ogden.

External links


This is a list of references for Godzilla: Kingdom of Monsters issue 5. These citations are used to identify the reliable sources on which this article is based. These references appear inside articles in the form of superscript numbers, which look like this: [1]


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