Godzilla versus Hero Zero (1995)

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Godzilla versus Hero Zero
The cover for Godzilla versus Hero Zero
Written by Michael Eury
Cover by Arthur Adams
Pencils by Tatsuya Ishida
Inks by Mike Miller
Colors by
  • Pamela Rambo
  • Chris Chalenor (cover)
Letters by Vickie Williams
Edits by Randy Stradley
Design by Scott Tice

Godzilla versus Hero Zero is a comic book crossover published by Dark Horse in July 1995. Godzilla's opponent in this comic, Hero Zero, hails from the Dark Horse imprint Comics' Greatest World.


David MacRae, along with his father and best friend Billy, travel to the city of San Diego to attend the famous San Diego Comic-Con. While in San Diego, David decides to transform into his giant superhero alter-ego, Hero Zero, and explores the surrounding seas. However, while heading back to the city, Hero Zero unknowingly disturbs the slumber of Godzilla, King of the Monsters, who proceeds to follow Hero Zero as he returns to San Diego.

Back in the city, David, Billy, and David's dad are busy attending the convention when Godzilla reaches the city's harbor and engages military forces. As an evacuation order is issued, David quickly transforms into Hero Zero in order to combat the nuclear dinosaur. As the size-changing hero fights Godzilla in the city, a swing of Godzilla's massive tail destroys a small building, sending a large chunk of concrete flying into a bus which kills Billy.

Upon seeing the still body of his friend, Hero Zero is driven into an uncontrollable fury. David proceeds to easily dodge Godzilla's atomic breath and topple the atomic titan, though during the battle, he accepts that Godzilla cannot be killed decides to use all his remaining energy to carry Godzilla out to sea instead. After dropping Godzilla in a location far away from any place of human habitation, Hero Zero attempts to return to land, only to run out of energy before he could do so, reverting back to David while in the middle of the ocean.

Some time later, David awakens in a hospital and learns that he had been rescued by a navy boat. There, his father confronted him about his alter-ego, only for David to reveal that he did not want to be Hero Zero anymore either.



Weapons, vehicles, and races


  • Mr. McRae
  • Billy
  • Captain Phanboise
  • Arthur Adams



  • An alternate cover for this comic removed the text on the bottom left.
  • Godzilla comic artist Arthur Adams makes a cameo within the comic itself as a guest at the San Diego Comic-Con; Adams illustrated the cover of the comic.
  • The character of Hero Zero was created two years prior to the release of this comic and holds the distinction of being the only original Dark Horse character to crossover with Godzilla. However, the character ultimately did not go on to appear in many other comics and only headlined a single issue of his own series.
  • In Comics' Greatest World: Vortex #2, David MacRae/Hero Zero had a Godzilla toy and a poster of Godzilla vs. Barkley in his room, while in the one-shot Hero Zero #0, he mentions Godzilla and Mothra by name, the latter of which never having appeared in Dark Horse's Godzilla comic run, suggesting that Godzilla was originally intended to be a fictional character in his universe.
  • Godzilla would attack the San Diego Convention Center again in the 2012 IDW comic Godzilla #4.


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