"Pacific Peril"

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Godzilla episodes
"The Macro-Beasts"
"Pacific Peril"
"Island of Doom"
"Pacific Peril"
Pacific Peril
Series Godzilla
Episode # 24
Air date November 24, 1979

"Pacific Peril" is the 24th overall episode of Godzilla and 11th episode of its second season. It aired on November 24, 1979.


At a seismographic observatory in the Pacific Ocean, several scientists panic due to freak volcanic activity all over the Earth, focused around the Ring of Fire. New volcanoes are forming, while old volcanoes such as Mount Fuji are erupting. The volcano on the island the observatory's on also erupts, and the scientists scramble to evacuate and find the source.

Elsewhere, the Calico sets out in search of the cause for the volcanic plague, heading towards the epicenter where the Pacific and Asian tectonic plates converge, which was also where the Jupiter probe rocket disappeared the previous summer. Brock Borden detects an earthquake directly below the ship, which creates multiple tsunamis. Carl Majors summons Godzilla before the waves hit, and he shielded the Calico with his body. Another earthquake occurs, rapidly forming a new volcano and ripping a fault rift in the oceanic crust. Quinn and Brock departed in a Mini-Sub to investigate the volcano, believing it to hold the key to the tectonic disturbances. While the Mini-Sub's inside, the volcano erupts and forms an island, stranding the submarine in a lava tube and beaching the Calico. Fearing for Quinn and Brock's safety, Majors, Pete, and Godzooky venture through a side vent into the volcano.

Abandoning the Mini-Sub, Quinn and Bock head down a tunnel to try and escape on foot and are stalked by a Magma Lizard. Majors, Pete, and Godzooky find the Mini-Sub soon after and go down a different tunnel, though Godzooky briefly pauses at the correct one due to hearing and smelling a Magma Lizard. Hearing Pete calling them, Quinn and Brock turn around, only to encounter the Magma Lizard, which chases them. They run into a large chamber and find three more Magma Lizards feeding on a pool of lava. Hearing Quinn and Brock, Majors, Pete, and Godzooky followed them, but found a room full of rapidly-growing crystals. They're quickly sealed inside, and Majors drops the Godzilla Signal when he tries to call Godzilla due to an aftershock, forcing Godzooky to call for his relative. Godzilla arrives but merely inspects the abandoned Calico, unaware of a fissure opening beneath him until he falls inside and it closes on him.

With Godzilla unable to help them, Pete manages to retrieve the Godzilla Signal due to being smaller, and Majors uses the signal's frequency to shatter the crystals and allowing them to escape. Meanwhile, the Magma Lizards corner Quinn and Brock, breathing fire at them, while Godzilla pries the fissure apart with immense effort, keeping him from being crushed. Before the Magma Lizards can cook the duo, Majors, Pete, and Godzooky arrive, the latter serving as a distraction while Quinn and Brock climb to safety. The Calico crew prepares to leave for the relative safety of the crystal cave, but they notice a nearby rocket wedged between two giant walls of rock, which Quinn identifies as the Jupiter probe rocket. Majors and Quinn deduce that the rocket malfunctioned and shot into the ground, where it was wedged between the Pacific and Asian tectonic plates and was durable enough to not get crushed, causing the freak eruptions all over the world.

The Calico crew ventures to the rocket to reprogram it and bring them to the surface. Before they enter, a Magma Lizard emerges from it, though Godzooky distracts it so Brock can sneak aboard and start its engines. The other four Magma Lizards arrive, forcing the crew to pile into the rocket, though Godzooky remains outside due to being too big to fit. The Magma Lizards corner him while the rocket plows deeper in the ground. Godzilla finally breaks free and lands in a giant cavern, walking over to Godzooky and punching through the rock wall separating them before snatching him away, terrifying the Magma Lizards into retreating. The uncontrollable rocket somehow breaks through the ceiling of the chamber, and Godzilla takes it before redirecting the rocket to go up. It breaks through the ocean floor, and the nose cone containing the crew breaks off and floats to the surface. Back on the Calico, the crew watch as Godzilla's hand bursts from the ocean and frees and Godzooky, before Godzilla bursts through the volcano's crater to destroy it. With the Jupiter probe rocket freed, the global earthquakes and eruptions quickly cease. The Calico shook again as the ship approached Hawaii, but it was just Godzooky hula dancing.




Weapons, vehicles, and races


In other languages

Language Name Meaning
Flagicon Japan.png Japanese 太平洋の危機 Taiheiyō no Kiki[1] Crisis of the Pacific Ocean


Part 1 of "Pacific Peril"
Part 2 of "Pacific Peril"
Part 3 of "Pacific Peril"


  • This is the first episode in the series in which Godzilla does not fight another monster; the Magma Lizards flee from Godzilla rather than engaging him.


This is a list of references for Pacific Peril. These citations are used to identify the reliable sources on which this article is based. These references appear inside articles in the form of superscript numbers, which look like this: [1]

  1. Godzilla 1954-1999 Super Complete Works. Shogakukan. 1 January 2000. p. 205. ISBN 978-4091014702.


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