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The beast they call Kong is a primate of
such size and ferocity that his very
existence rewrites every chapter of
evolutionary theory. More mountain than
mammal, he walks upright on two legs,
his towering form shaking the ground
with each thunderous step.
Worshipped as a god by the Iwi, Kong
inspired a culture of reverence among
the indigenous peoples of Skull Island.
Across the sweep of his natural domain,
his history was memorialized through a
series of sacred monuments.
With his natural habitat endangered by
vicious storms, Monarch set out to find
Kong a new home. Along the way, Kong
discovered his heritage and encountered
a new threat: Mechagodzilla. Joining
forces with Godzilla, they defeated
Apex's mechanical threat together,
effectively ending the feud between both
Titans. Regarding each other as equals
and allies, Godzilla returned to the ocean,
while Kong withdrew to the Hollow Earth,
embracing it as his new home
and kingdom.
Kong Titanus Kong Protector Apex Primal Guardian
Level: Townhall Square Checkpoint: Second from left
In the building east of the bell tower, behind a locked door on the third floor.
Little is known about the origins of this
voracious predator, although its
evolutionary purpose is abundantly clear.
The Skullcrawler exists to devour,
destroy and dominate. Subterranean in
nature, burrowing up through the
geologically unstable steam vents
across Skull Island, it is as though the
Skullcrawler climbed up out of hell itself.
This terrifying serpentine is a hypervore:
a creature with such a hyper-adrenalized
metabolism that it exists in a constant
state of starvation. Just as a shark must
keep swimming to breathe, the
Skullcrawler must keep feeding to
survive, to the point of dislocating its
own jawbone in order to maximize its
ability to swallow prey.
Skullcrawler Cranium Reptant Destroyer / Hypervore Skull Island
Level: Riverside Road Checkpoint: Second from left
Past the building west of the checkpoint, in the alleyway.
Warbats are colossal airborne reptiles
that dominate the skies and landscapes
of the Hollow Earth - Kong's newly found
kingdom inside our planet. When not in
the air, their long, slender bodies help
them traverse the treacherous ravines
and chasms of their habitat.
Unafraid of Titans such as Kong,
Warbats are aggressive and venomous
predators, capable of injecting
thousands of gallons of venom into its
prey in a single bite. They possess a very
distinctive roar, simultaneously raspy
and deep, adding to the awe-inspiring
aura that surrounds them.
Warbat Vellum Vespertilio Destroyer / Carnivore Hollow Earth
Levels: Riverside Road Checkpoint: Furthest left
In the laundry room directly east of the checkpoint.
Scylla is an armored tank of a Titan that
can quickly change direction and
maneuver sideways to throw off the
opponent's attacks. A scavenger with a
biological imperative to feed on the
carcasses of dead Titans and process
their nutrients into a deadly bacteria
that can poison water sources. As such,
standard post-combat protocol calls for
Monarch Pathology teams to
immediately begin breaking down any
Titan carcasses after engagements as
quickly as possible.
Mythological evidence has been
discovered that connects Scylla to
Easter Island with analysis suggesting
the mysterious statues that guard the
shores may have been erected by
ancients as megalithic scarecrows to
keep it away.
Scylla Titanus Scylla Destroyer Bio-Corrosive
Level: Central Plaza Checkpoint: Third from left
Straight east from the checkpoint and past the windows.
On a Monarch archeology expedition into
the caverns beneath the Nazca Desert in
Southern Peru, an ancient Incan
inscription was found. The words warned
of the Arachnid creature immortalized in
the Nazca Lines carved onto the surface
above: an ancient pictogram that had
mystified historians for centuries.
Abaddon can hide beneath the surface,
motionless for years or even centuries,
remaining completely undetected. Deep
earth scanning of the Vile Vortices
revealed a Titan spider den with an
elephant skeleton partially cocooned on
a gigantic spider web, acting as both a
prey snare and a warning to rivals not to
proceed further.
Abaddon Titanus Abaddon Destroyer Bio-Fossorial
Level: Central Plaza Checkpoint: Furthest right
Four floors directly below the High-Rise Rooftops entrance, behind a breakable door.
The spawn of Abaddon itself. While not
as imposing in size, the Plague Weavers
are still larger and more dangerous than
any other arachnid species known to
mankind. Birthed from internal egg-sacs
inside Abaddon's womb caverns, on
reaching maturity they emerge through
the skull-shaped "eye sockets"
positioned above the Titan's head,
creating the nightmarish image of
Abaddon "weeping" its children into
the world.
Considered the most formidable
"soldiers" in Abaddon's "army", the
Plauge Weavers exhibit swift and
flawless responsiveness to its
commands. Monarch is presently
investigating their communication
methods in the hope of developing a
technology that could functionally be
indistinguishable from telepathy.
Plague Weaver Araneae Pestilentiae Destroyer Subterranean/Worldwide
Level: Central Plaza Checkpoint: Furthest left
In the very bottom left corner of the map.
The early stage of development of the
Skullcrawler, soon after hatching. While
the beast's visage is not as horrifying as
that of an adult, anyone fooled by it is
sure to die a horrible, though quick,
death. Extremely agile and unrelenting, a
pack of Skullspawn can strip all flesh
from a human skeleton in under
a minute.
Skullspawn are even more voracious
than their adult counterparts. They hatch
already starved and must quickly find
prey - or perish. Consequently,
Skullspawn have been observed to feed
on each other, so that only the strongest
and most aggressive offspring survive
to maturity.
Skullcrawler (young) Cranium Reptant Destroyer / Carnivore Skull Island
Level: Inner Harbor Checkpoint: Second from right
In the hole directly below the checkpoint. (Note: Use the grapple point to descend.)
A bioluminescent demon of the ocean
that ventures out to feed on electricity.
Titanus Tiamat is believed to be the
inspiration for the sea serpent myth told
among sailors throughout history.
Chemoreceptors embedded in her venom
hood release a phosphorus ink that
bleeds through the water to blind her
opponent and burn their eyes. She can
also act as a conductor creating an
underwater electrical maelstrom within a
dense cloud of viscous Titan bile.
Behavioral analysis suggests Tiamat can
use the vocal folds in her tendrils to
mimic the sounds of other species,
including other Titans. What's even more
curious, having spent many years in
confinement at Monarch Outpost 53, she
has also partially learned to mimic the
sound of human voices.
Tiamat Titanus Tiamat Destroyer Bio-Ultraviolet
Level: Lighthouse Point Checkpoint: Third from right
Two floors up from the checkpoint, on the far west wide.
A name synonymous with immense size
and power, Behemoth is a lumbering
super-mammoth whose wooly hide
erupts with serrated back spines of
unbreakable granite, fortified with metal
and ore. Its massive, elephantine tusks
are capable of producing a seismic crash
of thunder that can incapacitate its
A benign protector with an almost
symbiotic relationship with the
environment, Behemoth's presence
breathes life into previously barren land,
regrowing entire rainforests and
strengthening Earth's immune system.
Behemoth Titanus Behemoth Protector Bio-Seismic
Level: The Great Bridge Checkpoint: Third from left
In the building east of the checkpoint, above the elevator. (Note: Bring an explosive barrel up the elevator and push it eastward to jump up.)
An unknown superspecies specimen in an
early stage of development, Lahamu
bears a striking resemblance to Titanus
Tiamat. Unverified accounts suggest that
the creature exhibits a natural proficiency
in camouflage, bordering on near
Its origin and relation to Tiamat remains
unknown and further research should be
Monarch's top priority.
Lahamu Not Classified Unknown Bio-Transparent
Level: Hyenas' Underwater Facility Checkpoint: N/A
East of the third elevator. (Note: Do not go down the elevator.)