Kong: Survivor Instinct (2024) Broadcasts

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The following are transcripts of the Broadcasts from Kong: Survivor Instinct, along with the locations that they are found.


Broadcast Location
Monarch Interview
Length: 00:01:09
Anchorman:...videos shared on social media before the evacuation
shed new light on Kong’s disturbing attack on the city.
Anchorman:We asked a Monarch representative for comment.
Monarch Rep:We can confirm that Kong arrived through what we
have termed "a Vile Vortex".
Monarch Rep:We’re closely monitoring the situation, especially
since his return to the surface might provoke other Titans.
Anchorman:A-are you saying Godzilla might make landfall again? I
imagine Monarch must have some working theories about that...
Monarch Rep:No comment. Look, from what we’ve seen, Kong’s
behavior this time can only be described as erratic.
Monarch Rep:His movements look purposeful and methodical, but
he is also prone to sudden bursts of rage.
Anchorman:Eyewitnesses have said, I quote: “Kong looks like he’s
searching for something and getting mad he can’t find it”.
Anchorman:Do you agree?
Monarch Rep:At this point we cannot rule anything out.
Anchorman:Let me ask you point-blank: Can Monarch predict when
or where Kong will strike next?
Monarch Rep:Alright, this interview is over!
Level: Riverside Road
Checkpoint: Second from left

On a TV set directly east of the checkpoint.
Kong Survivor Instinct - Collectibles - Monarch Interview.png

Intercepted Conversation #1
Length: 00:00:28
ORCA Σ:(radio noise)
Male Voice:(unintelligible male voice)
David:It’s intercepting a radio signal... Looks like the Sigma has
more features than I thought.
Female Voice:(unintelligible, desperate female voice)
Female Voice:...can’t find...
Female Voice:...nowhere to go...
ORCA Σ:(radio noise)
David:The reception’s bad, maybe I should try tuning
in at a different location. Might learn something useful.
Level: Riverside Road
Checkpoint: Second from left

In the first building west of the checkpoint, past the east-facing door on the third floor.
Kong Survivor Instinct - Collectibles - Intercepted Conversation 1.png

Intercepted Conversation #2
Length: 00:00:14
ORCA Σ:(radio noise)
Female Voice:...will need help...
Female Voice:...as soon as possible...
David:Stacy? Sounded like her, but...
David:Can’t say for sure with all that interference.
Level: High Street
Checkpoint: Furthest left

On the ledge above the westernmost ladder.
Kong Survivor Instinct - Collectibles - Intercepted Conversation 2.png

Intercepted Conversation #3
Length: 00:00:12
ORCA Σ:(radio interference)
Female Voice:...you lost something, Rob?
Male Voice:I’m looking for... (radio cracks) ...need them.
Female Voice:Ask Martin, she will know.
Male Voice:Didn’t she go to... (radio interference)?
Level: High-Rise Rooftops
Checkpoint: Third from top

Above the checkpoint, on the west side of the rooftop.
Kong Survivor Instinct - Collectibles - Intercepted Conversation 3.png

Intercepted Conversation #4
Length: 00:00:14
Young Male Voice:(radio noise) ...she’s hungry. Have you got any
formula left?
Young Female Voice:You know I don’t. Mom should bring some
Young Male Voice:Let’s be real, sis. (radio crackles) might not be
coming back.
ORCA Σ:(radio interference)
Level: Skyscrapers
Checkpoint: Third from right

Directly east of the checkpoint.
Kong Survivor Instinct - Collectibles - Intercepted Conversation 4.png

Live TV Report
Length: 00:00:34
Anchorwoman:...and now back to Danny with the latest from above
the city.
Reporter:Thanks, Rachel. Events are still unfolding but as we told
you earlier, Kong's rampage was previously localized to specific
Reporter:Unfortunately, that is no longer the case!
Reporter:A few minutes ago, Kong suddenly stopped as if
something had caught his attention.
Reporter:What you’re seeing right now is Kong making his way
towards the bay, seemingly calm.
Reporter:It’s hard to describe, but somehow he seems more
focused now, as if determined to...
TV set:(no signal)
Level: Central Plaza
Checkpoint: Third from left

On a TV set directly east of the checkpoint.
Kong Survivor Instinct - Collectibles - Live TV Report.png

Intercepted Conversation #5
Length: 00:00:07
ORCA Σ:(radio interference)
Stacy:...aren't you majestic?
Stacy:I can’t wait to see you... (radio crackles)
ORCA Σ:(radio noise)
Level: Inner Harbor
Checkpoint: Fourth from right

Up the elevator west of the checkpoint then straight east and up, on a ledge above the piston.
Kong Survivor Instinct - Collectibles - Intercepted Conversation 5.png

Breaking News
Length: 00:00:29
Anchorman:We interrupt this program to bring you the latest
update on the ongoing Titan crisis.
Anchorman:Just a moment ago, Monarch shared a video from one
of their recon drones, which shows a concentration of heavy
artillery vehicles near the bay.
Anchorman:Our experts say the vehicles are equipped with anti-
Titan ordnance.
Anchorman:We haven’t heard any comments on who these heavily
armed mercenaries could be, but one thing seems certain:
Anchorman:they’re readying a full-out attack on Tiamat.
Level: The Great Bridge
Checkpoint: Second from right

On a radio atop a boat, directly west of the checkpoint.
Kong Survivor Instinct - Collectibles - Breaking News.png


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