"Shin Chibi Godzilla"

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Chibi Godzilla Raids Again episodes
"A Mighty Monster's Instinct"
"Shin Chibi Godzilla"
"Chibi Minilla is a Big Girl"
"Shin Chibi Godzilla"
The first shot of "Shin Chibi Godzilla", showing its title
Series Chibi Godzilla Raids Again
Episode # 14 (overall), 1 (season)
Directed by Taketo Shinkai
Written by Taketo Shinkai, Yuki Hirokawa
Air date
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"Shin Chibi Godzilla" (シン・ちびゴジラ,   Shin Chibi Gojira) is the 14th episode of Chibi Godzilla Raids Again and the first episode of its second season. Written by Taketo Shinkai and Yuki Hirokawa, it aired on Japanese television on April 3, 2024. An English-subtitled version followed on the GODZILLA OFFICIAL by TOHO YouTube channel that April 10.


Chibi Godzilla, Chibi Ghidorah, Chibi Mothra and Chibi Rodan introduce themselves and the show to any viewers watching for the first time, with Chibi Mechagodzilla questioning who they are talking to. Chibi Godzilla introduces himself first, commenting that he likes destroying things, doesn't care about other people's travel stories (at which Chibi Mechagodzilla asks why people would care about something he doesn't care about), and dislikes things exploding in his mouth. Chibi Mechagodzilla is next to be introduced with Chibi Godzilla realizing that he knows almost nothing about the machine outside of him washing ashore one day and his habit of opening fridges without asking, annoying Chibi Mechagodzilla. Chibi Ghidorah is introduced next, with Chibi Godzilla commenting that each of his heads has a different personality - the middle head politely says hello to the viewers, the right head aggressively says, "What're you looking at?!" and the left head says, "Be my guarantor?". Chibi Godzilla pauses the introductions to mention that they all snore. After this, Chibi Mothra is introduced, with Chibi Godzilla commenting that she's shy but releases poisonous scales when she's sad. Chibi Godzilla then annoys her by lying that her legs are actually shimeji mushrooms. Chibi Godzilla attempts to introduce Chibi Rodan but forgets who he is, causing him to plummet to the ground. Chibi Mothra comments that he is very sensitive and crashes when his mood crashes, with Chibi Mechagodzilla expressing sympathy for him.

Next, Chibi Godzilla presents a "top 10 must-see spots on Monster Island". The number one spot is "Creepy Crawly Scorpion Wilderness" with Chibi Mechagodzilla angrily questioning why it is in first place. The number two spot is "Traditional Ramen Tsk-Tsk," ending the list, much to Chibi Mechagodzilla's confusion. Chibi Ghidorah and Chibi Mothra realize that Chibi Godzilla is right to say that they know very little about Chibi Mechagodzilla. Chibi Mechagodzilla then realizes that he has lost his memory and cannot recall how he came to be on the island. Chibi Godzilla declares it to be a case of "Grandiose Delusion Syndrome", to his annoyance. The other monsters agree to help Chibi Mechagodzilla regain his memory, which Chibi Godzilla presents as the season's theme, though he again angers Chibi Mechagodzilla by referring to his condition as "Grandiose Delusion Syndrome".


Actor's name on the left, character played on the right.




Full episode
Full episode (subtitled)


  • The title of this episode references the 31st Godzilla movie, Shin Godzilla, released in 2016.
  • While the English title of the YouTube upload of this episode is "Shin Chibi Godzilla", the video's subtitles instead translate it as "New Chibi Godzilla". Shin has multiple meanings in Japanese, including "new" and "true".


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